If we only knew the significance of our own influence on others, it would be easy to tap into the "brave heart" we all have inside --- the one that is capable of performing miracles, big and small, when it operates without being a prisoner of its own thoughts. I have a hunch if we were more aware how our important work and contributions could influence others, it would bring out a greater sense of personal responsibility in all of us to do our best work and to look for opportunities to work together. Once in a while, someone or something shows up on our path to teach us about this universal truth.
When I was writing my book, Putting Our Differences to Work, two friends in the distance, "popped out of the pavement" to help me when I least expected it. They showed up to teach me what it meant to have a "brave heart." Dr. Alex Pattakos, bestselling author of Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl's Principles for Life and Work and Jeff Pasternak, song writer and artist contacted me. They had a great story to tell about their unlikely meeting and connection.
They also shared the news that Jeff had written a song called Brave Heart on his album which was inspired by the meaning Jeff discovered when he read Alex's book. With a little creative brainstorming, we decided to collaborate to create a multi-media visual self-learning exhibit around the theme of Jeff's, "Brave Heart" at our virtual online KNOWLEDGE Gallery at the Global Dialogue Center. The idea we came up with was to chronicle their unique story of putting differences to work. In the process, I fell in love with the Brave Heart message and song. It stayed with me.
Take a self-guided tour of the Brave Heart EXHIBIT (includes digital gallery, story, music and lyrics)
Buy a copy of Double Cover with Brave Heart
Months later, I was up against looming deadlines for my book, my customers, and running two businesses all at the same time. I was stressed out! Overwhelmed! You could almost hear my unintended doubting thoughts in the background screaming on some days, "Can I? Will I make it." Ever been there? Interestingly, it was Jeff Pasternak's Brave Heart that became a meaningful antidote. I threw on my headset..."Hey, brave heart, what's inside your heart today? Where are you going? I think I'll go along your way... Every time, the happy spirited song helped to lift me out of my momentary doubts and reminded me I was in charge of my attitude. "You are the 'I' for the dot..You take no prisoners for your thoughts..."
Full Circle of MUTUALISM
"Establishing mutualism as the final arbiter" is the fifth of the Five Distinctive Qualities of Leadership in my book. It's key message introduces a new "yardstick" for all actions, behaviors, collaborations, products, services, and yes, and even profit-making. Everyone benefits; no one is harmed. When my book was published, I had the opportunity to once again experience the full circle of mutualism that emerged from the unlikely collaboration in the distance with my two friends. Jeff found value in reading Putting Our Differences to Work and posted a review on his website and sent his picture as a gift back to me. Dr. Alex Pattakos has been a contributor and supporter for our Global Dialogue Center since it was founded. He has faithfully cheered me on at every turn. He again showed up to share his impressions and promise of the new work.
I guess what is most extraordinary about our collaborative threesome is that I've never personally met either of Alex and Jeff in person. We've talked. Shared. Looked for the best in our differences. Honored one another's work. Supported. Trusted. Created. We all benefited in different ways. These actions are at the heart of "putting our differences to work" --- brave hearts coming together taking "no prisoners for their thoughts" for the good of all.
What lessons have you learned about great collaborations, virtual friends, and the meaning of having a Brave Heart? Would love to hear from you.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
author, Putting Our Differences to Work
new book!
Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership and High Performance
by Debbe Kennedy ▪ Berrett-Koehler ▪ June 2008 – Hardcover
Also available in DIGITAL DOWNLOAD at Berrett-Koehler
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Foreword by Joel A. Barker, futurist, filmmaker and author
Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future