What is it about some people that have the distinctive ability to reach into the future to not only see the VIEW for themselves, but to help us see it too? Throughout history leaders with this gift have helped us put our differences to work to achieve greatness in the face of significant difficulties. I've learned from many and written about them. I admit at the moment I'm dazzled by two visionaries that have boldly taken center stage with their new thinking and new ideas for INNOVATION. Coming to us with unique vantage points, each of them invites us to see the PROMISE in tomorrow in ways that ignite the human spirit... in ways that influence a COMMON PURPOSE that we've needed so badly. They both call for fundamental changes in approach and how we think, behave, and operate:
Barack Obama, President-Elect of the United States of America
It would be hard to deny that this month has been anything less than filled with great promise for the United States and the world. For one clear reason...we were engaged in a shared experience of electing a new President with the whole world watching and cheering with us--- a new President for all of us with a family that mirrors our diverse and inclusive ideals in the US --- and reaches out to greet the world with a new philosophy. Even with all the uncertainty and harsh realities of our economic meltdown, wars, and many avenues of crisis, having a new President-elect Barack Obama, with a mandate and a vision of a new direction for our country, has left many of us elated in its PROMISE --- a relief from years of what seemed at times to be overcome with the utter darkness of war, greed, division, injustice, disrespect of our neighbors and neglect of people, needs, science, technology, the environment, and infrastructure. Millions of people demanded a fresh new approach and through the millions of votes by United States citizens, we boldly opened the way for a new beginning. This happening is meaning a new sense of unity we've long lost. See it for yourself. Now the hard work begins and we need to put all those differences to work on solving our most critical problems.
Sam Palmisano, IBM's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
At the same time, Sam Palmisano invited all of us across the world, into a new bold vision of "A SMARTER PLANET: The Next Leadership Agenda" in his address to the Council on Foreign Relations in NYC on November 6. "...a period of discontinuity is, for those with courage and vision, a period of opportunity." He defined current realities for leaders. He painted a vivid picture of a SMARTER PLANET. He called for new leadership qualities. "Together, we have to consciously infuse intelligence into our decision-making and management systems...not just infuse our processes with more speed and capacity. ...I believe we will see new leaders emerge who win not by surviving the storm, but by changing the game," he told us. Related SMARTER PLANET Videos: Share in the history of progress and the vision: Watch these videos!
My greatest hope is that these two visionaries, Barack Obama and Sam Palmisano, become strategic partners --- and are joined by other visionaries and innovators worldwide to take us into the better future than we can even imagine today. Hold that thought!
As I wrote in my book, Putting Our Differences to Work: The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership, and High Performance, the word leader has a Germanic origin meaning to "find a new path. We are seeing constant stream of promising achievements rising up from individuals and organizations across the world finding the new paths we need. Our part, as both Barack Obama and Sam Palmisano suggest, is recognizing that we have to fundamentally change the way each one of us thinks, behaves, and operates as leaders and innovators to reap the benefits of the globally integrated, interconnected world. We have to get to work together!
The next great opportunity is ours to own.
Are you ready?
I would like to be one of those "game changers," wouldn't you?
Debbe Kennedy
founder, Global Dialogue Center
and Leadership Solutions Companies
author, Putting Our Differences to Work
Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership and High Performance
by Debbe Kennedy ▪ Berrett-Koehler ▪ June 2008 – Hardcover
Putting Our Differences to Work was selected as as among
"the very top business books" for review in August, 2008.
Read it!