Most of us don't know the impact of our contributions. We are so busy living our lives; trying to overcome; perhaps, just surviving --- striving to achieve ---that we forget to take notice of our influence. What seems even further from our consciousness is taking note of what we are capable of doing together. Technology continues to put the spotlight on the powerful possibilities that emerge when we combine our talents. Bay Area Artist, Sally K. Green helps us see this in her moving "Life and Work" collection. She introduces the many dimensions of diversity that make up our human story---sharing some of the little known truths that have shaped our destinies. One of my favorites in the collection is her painting, "Street Music," inspired by a 1935 black and white photo of a blind street musician by Ben Shahn.
Sally shares the story of her painting and also tells how she happened to hear Bill Moyers' interview with Mark Johnson, the producer of a documentary about the power of music. The documentary, to be released in 2009, entitled Playing for Change: Peace through Music, is an global example of what we can do when we put our differences to work for the good of all. Here is one of the samples she shares, Lean on Me.
As we find ways to express ourselves, seizing new opportunities for collaboration on many fronts, it is clear that Gandhi's wisdom was right:
"It may be long before the law of love will be recognized in internal affairs. The machineries of governments stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another."
This said, it appears for the first time in many years, even amidst the deepening economic crisis and other overwhelming global challenges of our time, that the GREAT OPPORTUNITIES of our generation rest at our feet. Change is up to us. I witness the remarkable in every dialogue we hold. People do amazing things together.
What contribution will you make? It's a great question to be asking ourselves everyday.
RELATED Articles and Dialogues:
- Online Virtual DIALOGUES: Come practice in these monthly opportunities for conversation and exchange of IDEAS. We are offering an "Economic Conversation Series" to help people get ready for the next great opportunity. Sign-up at Putting Our Differences to Work CENTER for DIALOGUE.
- "Dimensions of Difference" by Debbe Kennedy, Diversity Executive Magazine, 11/08
- "The Virtual Gathering Experience," ASTD Learning Circuits
Debbe Kennedy
founder, Global Dialogue Center
and Leadership Solutions Companies
author, Putting Our Differences to Work Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership and High Performance
by Debbe Kennedy ▪ Berrett-Koehler ▪ June 2008 – Hardcover
Putting Our Differences to Work was selected as as among
"the very top business books" by BUSINESS BOOK REVIEW
Also available in DIGITAL DOWNLOAD at Berrett-Koehler