As we all debate the this and that about the "economic stimulus," it is stimulating us. Some notable benefits of this time of crisis seem to be blossoming. Perhaps, in our worry and fret, we are beginning to see one another in more meaningful ways. We are listening more. Learning from what we already know. Perhaps, we are beginning to see the possibilities in exercising the dominion we've been granted over our existence. One example is there continues to be signs that show the resiliency and power of our human spirit to reach out and help someone else. I see this in the monthly online gatherings I've been holding. Last week, 57 people from across the U.S. and from eight countries showed up to share their "gifts of insight." (Recorded program here).
Some people want to attend, but with work and other conflicts have to wait to listen in to the recording. So it was for Bill Tipton, author of the blog, Dialogues with Bill: Life and Work with a Disability. First, it seems important to share that Bill comes to our Economic Conversation Series with a special outlook. He has seen hard times. Real hard times. He has reinvented himself against the worst odds, so there is much to learn from his insight about how to adjust one's life at the threshold of both crisis and opportunity.
Just a few years back, Bill went to the emergency room with a pain in his stomach and came out of the hospital months later completely blind and not being able to walk. Through sheer determination and grit, today he walks and also contributes on a whole new level both inside and outside his work as a Project Manager at Hewlett Packard. He wears the badge of honor for being "Employee of the Year in 2007" on a national scale and is one of our most admired contributing bloggers at the Global Dialogue Center.
Bill wrote me yesterday after listening to the recorded session of our dialogue this week. I wanted to share what he heard --- his take-aways --- his gifts of insight:
Learnings and Renewal of My Beliefs
from the Tuesday DIALOGUE
by Bill Tipton
• Find new meaning in your life and work.
•Try to learn something from your difficulties (Victor Frankl Story).
• Discover what you really want, do the research, and go after it!
• Focus on what you can do well when going after new opportunities; go to your "tool kit" to create your new opportunities ... what do I know that I can apply to this new opportunity.
• When in crisis, try something new.
• Remember, crisis is an opportunity.
• It is fine to ask for help.
Bill's main take-away...
Never ever give up. Accept crisis as another new beginning and opportunity, no matter how painful, challenging and emotionally hurtful and taxing the challenge is on your body and soul.
Wanna listen in?
Learn more about attending...
NEXT DIALOGUE: March 31 with Joel Barker, Futurist and Filmmaker joins me to teach us how to discover the new innovations at a new place he calls "the verge." Learn more about his new film at
Thanks, Bill... You said it all. The experience again shows what happens when we put our differences to work for the good of all.
With gratitude...
Debbe Kennedy
founder, Global Dialogue Center
and Leadership Solutions Companies
author, Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership, and High Performance
YouTube Book Review by futurist Joel A. Barker