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debbe kennedy

It has been comforting to receive messages from people about this MJ post. Some have heard to call. Others we have in the experience and in reflection have seen themselves in some way in this tragedy. Each little bit of consciousness matters I think, don't you?

FINAL REFLECTIONS: One of the Gifts of recent days is that in MJ's tragedy, celebration, and farewell there were the stories told among friends --- little bits of the experience touched us and we dared to look in the mirror at ourselves.

"We are the mirror and the face in it." --- Rumi

John Renesch

Great post, Debbe!

I am keenly aware of being soemwhat out of sync with much of the world on MJ. For me, the trajedy of watching this incredibly gifted and talented young boy go in such a self destructive direction saddened me to such a degree that even his music couldn't override that for me. His many friendships with people I respect, like Qincy Jones and many others, imply for me that there was something that remained special in this many despite his self-destructive tendencies... how sad that such a talent and force of nature would be so unhappy.

And, now, like you say, he's being so exploited by the media, having a field day somewhat reminescent of OJ drama some years back. Did you happen to see The Dailey Show's tear on The Today Show and Good Morning America's tour of the MJ house, NBC explaining what was here and there because the Neverland mansion was completly EMPTY! Is this obsession or what?

Well, now I have had my own tear. Thanks for stirring me up.

May the man rest in peace, finally.

debbe kennedy

Dear John,
Thanks for you lovely note. You are right there are so many things about MJ's passing that are so very sad. I think it is clear from history of great legends that we isolate them in their fame --- call them names --- make up mean stuff and twist what is true into some horror story all for a rise from someone to make money. Then we wonder what drove them to destruction when they gave us all they had. I actually have seen this happen in companies too, haven't you?

I've continued to try to see the good in Michael's passing. One specific is this kind of dialogue and examination of conscience, yes?

Tonight on Facebook, I posted one final remembrance as this week comes to a close. It is worth the WATCH and LISTEN...with Berry Gordy Quote below --- I do think you'll relate to this music. :-)

EARLY MOON WALKING: "Little Michael's performance was way beyond his years. This little kid had a knowing-ness about him. ...He sang [Who's Loving You] with the sadness and passion of a man who had been living the blues and heartbreak his whole life." --- Berry Gordy, founder Motown, MJ Eulogy

Warm regards,

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