The world had an opportunity to witness the power and remarkable results of putting many dimensions of difference to work as we watched the release and emotional return of American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling when they arrived home from North Korea. The leadership diplomacy of former President Bill Clinton, former
Vice President Al Gore, the support of the Obama Administration, and all the other prominent contributors we hear on the news deserve our highest praise. But also imagine all the individuals' efforts that executed both the tiny and the significant details that made the negotiations possible --- and the mission of faith to North Korea to obtain the release remarkable. I can't help but imagine countless fingerprints are on this successful risk of reach that ensured this heroic moment of JOY of Euna Lee and Laura Ling being reunited with their families. It was a mutualistic win, win, win for all concerned with many potential positive rippling influences for good. New HOPE.
What about us?
At this time in our history, on every front, there is much important work to do and everyone has an important role in it. We are being called to change our ways, change our habits, change our thinking, change our jobs, change our organizations, change broken systems, and most of all, CHANGE OURSELVES.
These big shifts in our lives and work that we are reaching for, during a period of deeply felt CRISIS, are bringing out the best in some of us. It is inspiring to watch. At the same time, the UNKNOWN ahead---the RISK of changing the status quo---is terrifying some...and we have our different ways of feeling it and demonstrating it. We also can't diminish the reality that some of us are plagued with terrible circumstances to overcome --- the CRISIS is at the center of their existence.
How can we transcend whatever situation we face to be the hero in our own rights every day regardless of our situations?
This may seem an unfair question, when our personal circumstances are all so different. However, Viktor Frankl in his classic, Man's Search for Meaning, defined a standard for us in this piece of timeless wisdom: "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to chose one’s attitudes in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way." This message has helped me many times through my own trials and tragedies---I'm imagining many of you may have been touched by his remarkable work. RELATED Viktor Frank online self-learning exhibits: KNOWLEGE Gallery: Viktor Frankl's life, messages, and principles and at the WOMEN's Gallery: "Light in the Dark" A Tribute to Viktor Frankl [with reflection by Dr. Alex Pattakos author, Prisoners of Our Thoughts], now showing at the Global Dialogue Center. Risking the Reach to Be More
One of my favorite writings that applies to this discussion came from a book I found in my dad's treasures after he died. It is taken from a sermon written by the famed Scottish minister and former Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, Peter Marshall (circa 1940). He paints a vibrant picture of THE CALLING of our time:
The Risk of Reach by Peter Marshall
"You were put here for a purpose, and that purpose is not related to superficial pleasures.
The time for drifting
or sleeping
or wishful thinking
or daydreaming is over.
The state of our world today make that a very dangerous pastime.
This generation and all of you who are sensitive to what is going on around you,
are called to a supreme adventure.
There is a great stirring in society.
The upheavals of life and the revolutions of multitudes across the world in desperate motion are indications that our world can never be the same again.
...So do not ever underestimate what you can do.
You have the courage to cast off your acrophobia [fear of heights] and
to dream big and to aim high...
How can you Be The Hero?
In order for us to do our individual parts, big and small, we have to first claim a new vision of ourselves as individuals during these difficult times, change our thinking, and be willing to take risk the reach. I would like to suggest a NEW BOOK
from bestselling Berrett-Koehler author,
Noah Blumenthal
It think it has just the uplifting message needed right now. In the tradition of a great storyteller, Noah's book, BE THE HERO: Three Powerful Ways to Overcome Challenges in Work and Life is a great guide for meeting whatever challenge we face during this time of both crisis and opportunity --- the biggest one to overcome ourselves. One reader described it this way: "Noah Blumenthal's 'Be the Hero' is a perfect read for the tough times we all are experiencing. It is a mental choice to be victim of our situations or to choose a more heroic mental frame. When we choose hope, gratitude and empathy it leads to greater happiness and well being. 'Be the Hero' helps to reminds us of the choices we can make to walk a more power-filled path." BUY A COPY
" My greatest hope for this book --- it changes people's lives. This book helps you answer the question, "How can I be the person I want to be? " --- Noah Blumenthal
Changing ourselves --- renewing our outlook on life --- can change everything. It also expands the value you bring to your work and opens up opportunities for us to more effectively put our differences to work--- which we continue to prove is the fastest way to the innovations, leadership, and exceptional performance and contribution. We've seen it. History records it every day. We need everyone do their part in their own unique ways.
What contribution will you make in thought, word and deed?
How will you risk the reach to be the hero in your own right?
Warm regards to all...
Debbe Kennedy
founder, Global Dialogue Center
and Leadership Solutions Companies
author, Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership, and High Performance
(Berrett-Koehler 2008)
YouTube Book Review by futurist Joel A. Barker
Buy a Copy of Putting Our Differences to Work
Other Resources:
Working Together - audio learning-on-the-go series
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