Each time we host a ONLINE global gathering of leaders and innovators at the Global Dialogue Center, I am always moved by what happens. Putting Your STRENGTHS to Work with Jane Scandurra, our inaugural 2011 Global Dialogue Center ONLINE Dialogue, was no exception. The event attracted 200+ leaders and innovators representing 18 countries and 30+ states across the U.S.
Jane Scandurra, founder of True Potential Branding (formerly, IBM Senior Marketing Manager) joined me to see the dialogue as our guest thought-leader. Below are few of the INSIGHTS that came from PARTICIPANTS from around the world. They seem to capture the key themes that emerged: (slightly paraphrased...)
1) There is no greater PRIVILEGE than to present your AUTHENTIC self. CANADA
2) Use your knowledge of others' STRENGTHS to complement your own. It creates a collective win/win. U.S. (Arizona)
3) BREAKTHROUGH: Change your MINDSET to focus on yours and others' STRENGTHS vs. weaknesses. It opens up the field of OPPORTUNITY. ARGENTINA
4) Focusing on one's STRENGTHS is really radical, when most of us so easily focus on the "weak spot;" it's a real SHIFT. Toward the positive! U.S. (New York)
5) Focusing on STRENGTHS is a habit...We need to PRACTICE it! GERMANY|CHINA.
Good things come when we learn from one another...putting our differences and strengths to work. ...and in "virtual space," I'm always reminded that RUMI was on to something very important, when he pointed out: "There is a place between voice and presence where information flows." It always happens. It was a positive message and a chance to take a closer look at ourselves!
**** FEB 16 RECORDING: We posted the FEB 16 SLIDE SUMMARY and HANDOUTS yesterday at http://www.globaldialoguecenter.com/strengths0216. The RECORDED REPLAY will be added shortly.
FEB 24 - Innovation TIPS Dialogue with futurist Joel Barker and Debbe KennedyInspired from our Innovation Tips Newsletter Subscribers. Learn more and register: http://tinyurl.com/4gpht76
MARCH 9 - WOMEN in the LEAD: Our Significant Roles in a Global Economywith Frances Hesselbein; a global gathering commemorating International Women's Day Centenary CelebrationLearn more and register: http://tinyurl.com/6eu7rc8
Learn more and register: http://tinyurl.com/4ow67ql
See our Global Dialogue Center Webinars - Winter/Spring Schedule:
We invite you to JOIN us to share in the experience we create together.
Debbe Kennedy, author and founder, president, and CEO
Global Dialogue Center and Leadership Solutions Companies
Twitter: @debbekennedy @onlinedialogues
Book: Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership, and High Performance
Learn more: http://www.puttingourdifferencestowork.com/about.html
** 2010 Axiom Business Book Award Winner** - Bronze
for Human Resources and Employee Training