Hi everyone,
I know everyone is very busy all the time. Myself, and probably others sometimes get caught up in day to day activities and do not take time out to help others as much as we would like. Sometimes I do not even take time out to help myself with adequate rest, relaxation and learning new skills. I wonder how we can keep things that really matter in the forefront, like helping others and ourselves instead of reacting to our surroundings, and what seems to be things that need immediate attention, but in reality do not? I think we should take the chance to help others and ourselves. I say take the chance, because it sometimes seems like it is taking a chance to do things that do not fall into our normal routines. Will give two examples below.
Some observations on my part I could choose to help a friend with a issue that may be concerning them. Could be something relatively small. I can take one half hour and give help and guidance or do my own thing. If I do my own thing and do not help that person would never know I might have been able to add value and go on with life. If I took time to help person it may helped them so much, it not only effected that one person, but with help provided you may have effected that persons family, circle of friends or acquaintances. I have seen this to be true. That one half hour you initially spent has exponentially grown in value. Caring and showing a true concern for others can travel far beyond the immediate person you are helping. So help others when you can. Another example could be posting information that others can use on BLOG’s like this one. I have diabetes and that needs extra care. This example could be anything like medication you need to take, any preparation you might need to do to treat your disability, if have one or have health problems. When I do not get enough rest, get over stressed or skip snacks it effects my blood sugar level. When my glucose is not within certain levels I do not produce work at my fullest potential. The quality goes down as well because my thoughts are not as clear as when my blood sugars are within acceptable levels. I may think to myself, if I pushed myself to stay up late , drink more coffee, and get the job done because I am a dedicated employee. I may push and push, skipping snacks and sleep. I will soon stop producing quality work. Worse yet become ill and miss work all together. I may be producing work while pushing myself to the maximum for extended times, but not at the levels or quality I could if I would have taken that break , eaten properly and got adequate sleep. When you push too hard it has negative considerations sometimes. There are times for sure you need to put in the extra effort to complete projects on time with quality in your professional or personal life. This should be a exception and not the norm though in my opinion. To pursue and excel in your career and personal life with a disability you need to take care of yourself. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? I am not perfect and fall into negative actions at times and can use help like others. I hope you take the chance to help someone else or yourself. You might be amazed at the results. Look forward to talking with you.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author, Global Dialog Center