Hello everyone,
I wonder if anyone has experienced the thrill of race cars whizzing by you at over 180 MPH / 289.8 KM / HR on city streets. Recently had the chance to experience this thrill at the San Jose Grand Prix in California www.sanjosegrandprix.com.
Auto races like these are very exciting for me. You might wonder how a person who is completely blind might like attending or watching; or more precisely listening to races?
Why Would a Completely Blind Person Want To Attend Live Racing?
Great question; I grew up at motorcycle races most weekends. My dad and all local Uncles raced and we would spend a lot of weekends at race tracks. When I was not at motorcycle races I would go to Drag races and Sprint car races. When I was old enough to drive myself (I could see then) I would go to Laguna Seca in Monterey California and watch many forms of motor sport racing. I would also go to the Long Beach Grand Prix in California. Just because I had lost my vision I did not want to stop experiencing motor sports racing live .
What To Expect At Race
If you are completely blind I would not recommend going on your own to this type of racing, unless you have very good orientation and mobility skills. I could not have maneuvered around without help. I have not been completely blind very long and you might be able to handle navigating in this type of atmosphere better than I. The sounds of some of the cars was so loud I could not even hear the person next to me screaming in my ear. I wore ear plugs at times to help block out some of the deafening noise. I do not have a guide dog and am no expert in this subject. I would not think the loud sounds would be good for the dog’s ears. Not the best environment for navigating around the crowds when you need to rely on your ears to be your eyes. I was lucky and found a sighted person to attend the auto race with me.
Time To Get Ready
I loaded up my day pack with lots of drinks, sun screen, snacks, cell phone and other things I might need for the day. Packed my glucose pills in case of a low blood sugar attack (I am diabetic). Put a hat in my pack I could fold up to block the sun. I would be gone all day in the sun and did not want to get burned.
Time For Excitement
With my daypack on I walked down the city streets towards the sound of cars going fast. As we got closer the sound got louder and louder. Soon I was touching the cyclone fence that was between me and the race cars. When I first walked up to the fence and heard the loud roar of the cars really close to me. I could not tell if the cars were coming straight at me or coming from one side. The sound was so loud I could not tell what direction they were coming from. I felt a bit nervous and uneasy at first. I wondered, if one of the cars crashed in front of me what would prevent me from being hit by the car or pieces flying from cars as they collided with each other. I asked the person I was with and he said there were two fences between us and the racing cars. The fence closest to the cars curved towards the street where the cars raced by. If the car hit the fence the curved part of fence would help keep the car from going into crowd. Second fence is added safety. Hearing about these fences made me feel a bit safer and more relaxed. In no time my ears got adjusted to the sound of speeding cars racing by me and I could tell what direction the cars were going.
Smells and Sounds
There were different types of races and different types of cars racing over the weekend. Each type of car had a different sound and smell. One type of race car was called Drifters. In The Drifting race the objective was to create as much wheel spin as possible and thrill the crowd. Cars would slide around most turns and even down straight-aways. The smell of burning rubber was enormous. The crowd would cheer with delight as some drivers waved their hand out the window at the crowd in grandstands as they slid sideways with smoke pouring from tires. Some cars had a very loud deep rumbling growl as they flew by us in packs. Other cars had a high pitch loud fast buzzing sound. Sort of like a bumble bee. I could tell these cars were the turbocharged cars because of the whine from the engine. These were the CHAMP cars; the fastest cars of the weekend. These cars would go by me so fast, that even if I could see it would be a blur. Other cars sounded like a quieter constant swarm of bees. This is because there were so many cars on the track at once and there was very little space between the cars as they raced by. I could even smell hot brakes and brake dust at times. Other types of race cars sounded like a very well tuned and fast stock car that was street legal. I could even smell some of the cars burning oil. When there were breaks in the louder cars going by I could hear the audience talk to the flag people to learn what was going on around the course.
What Else To Do At Race?
I had plenty of good food during the day. There seemed to be booths set up selling all kinds of freshly cooked good food. I walked around course checking out what vendors were selling..I even listened to some live bands including David Lee Roth, formally with Van Halen.
Even though I could not see a thing during my racing adventure I really enjoyed myself. I would do it again in a heart beat, and plan to. I do not want to give up on things I used to like to do, just because I can no longer see.
Key Things To Bring In Daypack To Help With Your Racing Experience
• Ear plugs
• Sun screen
• Sunglasses
• Hat
• Plenty of plastic bottled water, must be plastic or they will not let you bring in
• Snacks
•Any medical devices or medication you might need
• Call the group who is putting on the race for more details. They are very accommodating most times and can suggest more things to help make your experience a memorable one.
Do any of you go to motor sport races? Do you enjoy them? Can you add to my suggestions? Any memorable experiences you want to share with us?
Cannot wait to hear from others!
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center
Wow, sounds like you had a good time! Loved the way you described the different engine sounds. Seems I remember some of those sounds from back in the day and yes, they were loud! LOL!
Take care,
Aunt Sharon
Posted by: Sharon | August 13, 2006 at 03:29 PM
Your article was written so Good it was like being there. I enjoyed it. THANK YOU for your Day at the Race...Sandy
Posted by: Sandy | August 17, 2006 at 07:02 AM
Hi Jake and others,
Jake; sounds like you had a great time at the Indy 500. I have never been there yet. I’ll bet it was fun in the Hospitality Tent as well as experiencing the race first hand.
Your comments made me think of another couple of great racing experiences I was lucky enough to experience.
Would love to go to the Long Beach Grand Prix each year when formula One (F1) would race at this location. This was back when Mario Andretti was still racing F1. This race was very exciting and interesting with the international crowd. Was able to talk with people from all over the world who followed F1 auto racing. Also went to some Formula One motorcycle races at Laguna Seca. Laguna Seca is a road course winding through and over the hills covered with grass, shrub and trees above Monterey California. Talked with the global community at this world wide event. Was able to watch Randy Mamola and Kenny Roberts dual it out on the race track. This was some of the most thrilling racing battles I have seen. I can no longer see with my physical eyes; the images are permanently engraved in my minds eye.
Battle On The Race Track
Randy Mamola and Kenny Roberts jumped out front of the pack of other motorcycle racers as the race started. With Kenny and Randy in the lead the pack came down the gentle hill that turned left gradually from the start finish line. Already going very fast with the riders backsides pushed against the back of the seats and leaning forward with chest on the gas tank and face tucked down behind the faring to create as little wind drag as possible. Soon they were coming into a sharp corner very fast. Both riders were side by side almost touching; at times they did touch. At same moment before turning into the corner each rider popped upright, scooting up towards the gas tank to block the wind to help slow them down as quickly as possible as they downshifted through the gears. At same time heavily applying front brakes; so much the front forks would compress down causing the motorcycle to lean forward. Both riders still side by side, only inches apart at most, both riders would lean into the corner and stick their knee out and drag it a fraction of an inch/ centimeter above the ground at most. The rider on the outside was leaning over the other motorcycle that was going around the corner on the inside. As soon as they came out of the corner both riders would give it the throttle and start up-shifting through the gears causing the back wheel to spin with this instant burst of acceleration. At same time of this acceleration burst rear tire was spinning. Rear tire would also slide sideways a bit as tire tried to get traction. The motorcycle looked like a bucking bronco as it twitched and jolted around as the riders regain control as they flashed away. As they accelerated out of the corner their front wheel would raise into the air still side by side with almost no space in between each rider. Both would blast down the straight-a-way at exhilarating speeds until they had to brake for next corner. Each corner and every lap they would be embraced in this battle. The crowd was standing most times to watch the demonstration of racing skills being performed at its best.
Thanks Jake and others for bringing back these great memories. Going to have to try out a motorcycle race without vision.
Hope to hear from others. Is there other things you used to do before you became disabled you would like to do again? Any obstacles you need help overcoming before you attempt to try your passions? Maybe you have been disabled your complete life and were told that some thing’s might not interest you; but for some reason you have a burning passion to find out for yourself?
Cannot wait to hear from others.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center
Posted by: Bill Tipton | August 19, 2006 at 08:01 PM
My husband and I attended our first Nascar race in may at Richmond Speedway. I really enjoyed it. It was great fun. Bill's advise on packing earplugs is the best advise you can give to a person new to car racing. I am glad we went with experienced race fans who told us to bring ear plugs. The noise is extremely loud. I gave the couple in front of us ear plugs. No one should be there without protecting thier ears. Right after the race I hurt my back while cleaning our swimming pool and I was out of the office for several weeks. Roy teases me about getting hurt on Pit Row at Nascar.
Posted by: Patty Adams | October 11, 2007 at 02:12 PM
Hello Patty,
Thanks for stopping by, reading and posting your comments.
I sure hope your back is getting better.
I know what you mean about the noise. I think that is one of the reasons I like racing; besides the speed and competitiveness of the cars, teams and drivers. I also enjoy the race atmosphere and the fans that attend the races all seem to enjoy life and know how to have fun.
When you mentioned the loud noises from the NASCAR I can remember the San Jose Grand Prix race I attended. They had historic NASCAR’s at event and it could be possible those cars were the loudest. They made a low pitch very loud noise which rattles you down deep inside. The CHAMP cars that were at event were very loud as well; but their pitch was a higher wind so it did not rumble you as much. It all was great!
Recently I have been following the Flying Lizard Racing Team.
About Flying Lizard Motorsports
Founded in 2003, the Sonoma, Calif-based team is competing in its fourth season of sports car racing with the American Le Mans Series (ALMS). The team fields
two Porsche 911 GT3 RSRs: the No. 44 and the No. 45. Seth Neiman, Lonnie Pechnik and Darren Law are sharing driving duties in the No. 44 Porsche for the
2007 season, and Johannes van Overbeek and Joerg Bergmeister are teaming in the No. 45 Porsche.
I recently even ordered and received one of their Flying Lizard Motorsports racing shirts. I was told it looks very good – I am completely blind and cannot see a thing
Does anyone else have any racing stories to share? We would all love to hear and bring back memories of when we were at the tracks; or better yet; behind the wheel. Are you planning on attending a race soon? Any other tips to share to help us have the best possible racing experience?
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center
Posted by: Bill Tipton - Life and Work with a Disability BLOG | October 13, 2007 at 03:26 PM
Lot of useful information are there. Its really keeps me updated. Thanks to Author.
Posted by: Account Deleted | August 20, 2011 at 05:49 AM