Hello everyone,
I personally think it is difficult for some to find their true passion and value in life. I know I struggle at times with all the options we have to create our own destiny. I wonder if I am on the correct path to my true destiny. There are so many turns in the road of life it is easy to take a wrong turn, get lost or find you have reached a dead end. On your road of life you need to read signals that come from internal or external sources to help guide you.
Where is Bill
I was in hospital due to a very critical illness that caused me to be in hospital for 7 months 3 of which I was in coma. Had lost all eyesight and experienced other undesirable medical conditions due to illness. I was not sure if I was still in coma or had woken up when I talk about the following dream. Waking up from a coma is a blur into reality and it is not easy to distinguish coma life from awakened and conscience life; At least this transition was a blur for me. I had hundreds of dreams while in hospital. This dream is one of my very first.
First Battle - Accepting Blindness and Help
All of a sudden everything around me was pitch black and I was not sure why. I thought the reason I could not see anything was because it was a really dark night without stars or a moon. I felt dirt and small rocks between my fingertips as I explored the ground below me in the darkness. I reached to my sides and felt dirt walls very close to me. I then reached above me to make sure I was not completely enclosed in something and felt nothing but air with some relief. From my exploration I thought I must have been in some kind of trench. I had no idea how I had got in this trench which frightened me very much. As I laid in trench and stopped exploring I heard loud explosions all around me. Some were close and others were off in the distance. I could not see any flashes or any light from the explosions. I put my hands in front of my eyes very close and verified all I could see was blackness. At this point I figured out I must have went blind some how. I thought that some how I must have been dropped into some sort of a war or a battle and had become blind in the process. By this point I was very terrified and cold. I had no idea of how I would get out of the war or battle I was currently fighting without eyesight. My mouth was so dry it felt full of cotton and I was terribly thirsty. Even with all the explosions around me all I could think of was finding something to drink. All I could think of was crawling out of the trench I was in and trying to find water in the unknown darkness. As soon as I started out of the trench a person came to me and tapped me on my shoulder. He then put a canteen in my hand. With a caring voice he told me to drink some water. I could not believe my luck. Having this person find me in the middle of this battle I thought was a miracle. He let me have many long sips of this cool water. I was so grateful to this unknown person who came into my life to offer me help at this critical point in my life. After my drinks of the delicious cool water this very kind and caring person vanished just as mysteriously as he appeared.
What I Learned From First Dream
•I was embarking in a battle
• Accept help with dignity
• Never give up hope
•Fight professionally with care for what you want and need
In this dream I was given a sign I would be embarking in a difficult battle for my life, not to give up hope and pursue my dreams and they will come true. The road I have traveled so far has been marked with signs at some points, and no signs at other turns. I have even made some wrong turns; which are great learning opportunities. I am grateful I am not lost on the road of life so far. The best we can all do is to follow our heart and keep listening to your inner self.
Some things I do to keep following my path if I start to get lost.
•Do not make a move or turn without thought. Once you start down a path; you might not be able to go back.
• If you are overwhelmed and cannot make up your mind take a break, go outside and breathe some air; if you are able to get outside.
•Even if the road is rocky and hard to travel keep moving. You might be going up a hill and the crest is near.
•Remember to keep your long term goals in mind when you make any moves.
Has anyone else received any signals that guided you down the path of life? Any tips to help us not take that “wrong turn”?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center
Thank you, as always, Bill, for your wise insights! You always seem to see beyond the surface of things and get right to the heart of the issue. It just goes to show that you don't need physical vision to have inner vision.
I can't think of times when I received such clear signs as you describe – but I always know I'm on the right track when things all start going very smoothly. It's like, when you make the right choice, life rolls out the red carpet for you and everything just starts falling into place! (Of course, sooner or later we always miss a turn, so we get off the path and things start getting complicated again – but then eventually we find it again, thank goodness!)
Posted by: Avril | March 24, 2007 at 11:01 PM
Hi Avril,
Thanks for your comments and sharing your thoughts.
I know what you mean when you said “I always know I'm on the right track when things all start going very smoothly.”
If I try to force my personal or professional goals “to work” my projected outcome always does not work out the best. When I feel my work gliding along smoothly with just the appropriate amount of effort and I am tuned into listening to internal and external signals I know I am working at my best. This does not mean that I will not come across difficulties or obstacles that require me to take a different approach.
A good example is when an auto racer has a well set up car, the track is in excellent condition, the weather is perfect and the driver is in the right place mentally. The driver seems to go around the track effortlessly with little forcing around the corners compared to the other drivers. The driver might occasionally need to make a correction when making drastic moves to pass others or avoid collisions. Driver might need to make an adjustment when the car slides sideways because they have run across oil on the racing surface and temporarily loose traction. While going around the track with the least effort they are also in the lead and doing the quickest lap times. They have found their groove. You can read more about this racing groove and related topics at a prior post called “Day At The Races“: http://globaldialoguecenter.blogs.com/disabilities/2006/08/day_at_the_race.html
This example is exactly how you can approach finding what works best for you and how to listen to signals to help guide you in your life.
Has anyone else received any signals that helped you to stay on your path? Any other tips to help us find our way on the path of life.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center
Posted by: Bill Tipton | April 01, 2007 at 11:50 AM
very interesting i want to know my self can you help me
thanking you
from sri
Posted by: sri | December 19, 2007 at 11:36 PM
Hello Sri,
I am very glad you found us. I will be glad to help, and I think others will be happy to help as well.
I think to begin the process of paying attention to your inner signals you have to create a quiet place in your mind so you can hear the signals.
If you are stressed or overly tired try to rest and relax. Maybe some days these signals will not come through because of too many external interferences and you will need to wait for another day. When you are in the flow of doing something you enjoy to do, or in a relaxed state of mind you will soon look beyond the task you are immediately doing and onto the larger goal you are trying to accomplish. Then the signals will start to become clearer.
I do have 4 questions that might aid in clarification to your goals and may lead to ways for picking up on the signals that might help you; if you do not mind answering to help us help you.
1. What do you like to do?
2. When you do this activity do you feel anything special when things are going well?
3. Do you experience any challenges around accomplishing this activity?
4. If you had your wish; what would it be?
Thanks for visiting and posting your message. Especially on December 19th. This is my wife’s birthday.
Best wishes and we look forward to hearing from you.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center
Posted by: Bill Tipton - Life and Work with a Disability BLOG | December 21, 2007 at 04:41 PM