Hello everyone,
I wish that everything you are trying to achieve is going the way you hope for. I hope you are finding the time and energy needed to accomplish all of your goals.
This thought brings up something interesting I hear over and over again. Maybe you hear the same; or maybe you have similar thoughts?
I hear “I do not have the time”, quite a lot when I ask someone were you able to accomplish... like you had planned. I hear “I did not have enough time and never had the chance.”
I sometimes think to myself I do not have the time to accomplish certain tasks either. Then I think to myself that this mind-set is the easy way out. We cannot do all we want to do all the time, and should be selective to make sure we accomplish the tasks that truly make a difference in our life, other life’s or the company we work for. We shouldn’t tackle just the simple tasks. We need to learn to make time by adjusting and prioritizing our busy schedules between the important and not so important or non-beneficial tasks if we really want to accomplish our major goals.
Some examples of typical time constraints could be- If you have a child some can make the time to raise their child and continue to go to work or do their other duties at home. Maybe on top of that you need to go back to school to further your education. Maybe you need to care for an elderly parent or friend or a person who is sick. There are many reasons for time constraints that might cause you to think you do not have enough time.
Having a disability adds to time constraints for sure. When you cannot drive and it takes you 3 hours to make a round trip using paratransit to a short appointment instead of the 30 minutes it would take if you could drive yourself. If you have diabetes keeping your diabetes under control takes extra time. The time it takes to prepare for any trips outside of the house if you have medical conditions adds to the time constraints you may have. Just preparing meals without eyesight takes longer – at least for me it does.
Once you take the time to start the task you have been putting off that will really make a difference, is the first and most difficult step towards success. Little by little you will find you have made great progress. Very soon you will find you have accomplished your task you thought you had no time for. When you do these extra tasks you thought you had no time for it is like you are performing magic and have created more time in the day to accomplish more then you ever imagined was possible.
How can we say at times we do not have enough time to accomplish what we want when we can do what we really want if we choose to? Maybe a better choice of words might be “I chose not to do that. Maybe the phrase “I do not have the time” is just an attitude or frame of mind?
Does anyone have any suggestions to help us fit into our busy schedules the tasks that really make a difference in our professional or personal lives? Any ideas to help us to postpone the not so important easy task and tackle the more complex tasks that will produce superior benefits? Does anyone have any real stories that describe how you were able to accomplish more than you thought you could within your given time constraints?
I hope you can adjust your schedule to accomplish the more difficult and time consuming goals you have that will make true positive Differences in your life
Thanks a lot for your thoughts and ideas to help us all
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center