Hello one and all,
Are any of you who have disabilities or other challenges thinking about going on to higher education? Do you lack self confidence? Are you afraid of the unknown? If so I found the perfect video for us.
This 19-minute video from the Texas Developmental Disability Council presents personal stories from five Texans with disabilities who enrolled in colleges, universities or technical schools. The video is well-produced - fun and engaging. It gives first-hand observations of the higher education experience for people with disabilities. Video takes a little while to load; be patient. It is well-worth the wait!
If you use a screen reader, push enter on your computer’s keyboard after waiting a few minutes; will start the video.
To watch The Next Step Higher Ed Video go to http://www.txddc.state.tx.us/resources/publications/NextStepVideo.asp
Those of you who attended classes and could not use standard printed text know it can be a challenge getting the class materials in some accessible format you can completely understand, like all others students in class. After I have passed the class I feel like I achieved something meaningful and worthwhile towards my goals. I was also glad I did not let the obstacles and inconveniences stop me.
We would love to hear your thoughts and comments. After watching video do you have more confidence to overcome the unknown and be successful at whatever you want to achieve? I hope after watching or listening to video you will not give up on your goals and inspirations.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center