Hello all,
Do you need help writing & speaking so others will buy into your ideas, resulting in getting the outcome you planned for? Are you disabled or have other challenges and attending school like we heard and talked about in Disabled in Higher Education? Do you need to go about accomplishing tasks just a little differently then others to be the most effective for you?
If you can benefit from learning other ways to go about writing and giving oral presentations that may fit your style, I think you will find the following article beneficial.
ACM Ubiquity - The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication
The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication by Philip Yaffe
At first glance mathematics and persuasive communication – writing, and particularly public speaking - would seem to have little in common. After all, mathematics is an objective science, whilst speaking involves voice quality, inflection, eye contact, personality, body language, and other subjective components. However, under the surface they are very similar.
Above anything else, the success of an oral presentation depends on the precision of its structure. Mathematics is all about precision. It is therefore not so odd to think that applying some of the concepts of mathematics to oral presentations could make them substantially more effective.
Read the entire paper “The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication” to learn some techniques that might help you.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Reading this paper brought back memories of some of the techniques I used when preparing and delivering my employee of the year award acceptance speech. Not having any eyesight myself, I had to make sure I wrote my speech, studied and delivered my oral presentation with precision so results would flow smoothly and give the message I wanted to convey.
Let me know after reading how this paper might help you. Any other thoughts of how to help us give better oral presentations or write better to get the results we all want?
Look forward to hearing from you.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center