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Dear Bill...this is wonderful! There is so much great information in here, you should write a book. I'm serious!

Thanks and keep these great posts coming! And let me know when your book launch is scheduled :)


Have you heared of the "going to Abigleen" concept of management science? Briefly it is a story where a group in a car wants to go for dinner. Someone suggests Abigleen, Texas. No-one objects so they end up in Abigleen . When they are there they find no-one wanted to go there... One example of collective intelligence, the other is the legendary leemings all following their leader over a cliff and drawning below...
Steve Torok

Hello everyone,

Steve, thank you for sharing "going to Abilene" concept of management. I had not read about this concept and your comment sounded intrusting so I looked it up and found: Abilene paradox.

From Wikipedia: “The Abilene paradox is a paradox in which a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of any of the individuals in the group. It involves a common breakdown of group communication in which each member mistakenly believes that their own preferences are counter to the group's and do not raise objections.”

I think this fits great into the true collective intelligence conversation. We need all members of the group to have an equal voice without fear of having different viewpoints or ideas to truly produce positive results.
This is why you need a very diverse group of people who are not afraid of their differences and are valued for their uniqueness. All members need to be allowed to fully participate without restrictions to fully benefit.

If we did not have a diverse group of people who are fully valued for their differences working on programs, projects or issues in our communities or organizations we would get results like the Abilene paradox describes.

Does anyone else have positive examples of the benefits of collective intelligence? Any stories that help explain what happens when we do not have true collective intelligence with everyone being allowed to fully participate without external restrictions? One restriction is tools that are not usable or accessible and do not let the disabled fully engage and participate, like some of what I described in message above.

We all look forward to hearing your comments, thoughts and suggestions to help us all take advantage of collective intelligence.

Bill Tipton
Contributing Author
Global Dialogue Center

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