Is anyone experiencing any challenges in your personal or professional life?
With the uncertainty in the economies of some nations, lack of affordable and quality health care, elder care, hunger, deadly diseases, world human conflict and global environmental problems, there is a great deal to cause challenges in our lives.
One of my challenges is elder care. Both of my wife’s parents are elderly and need more and more help every day. They currently still live in their own home. Neither one can drive any more. The challenge is trying to schedule the many doctor’s visits, interpreting the doctor’s diagnoses to them, recommendations and medical prescriptions, financial issues, home maintenance, finding and getting personal help, purchasing necessary items from stores and all the other things that some elders can’t do for themselves any more. Her dad is 91 and had congestive heart failure multiple times last year. He eventually had multiple heart bypasses, a valve replaced and a pace maker put in his heart to save his life. Her mom is 88 and had multiple surgeries this year to repair a broken hip. Her mom is legally blind and hard of hearing.
They will be married 66 years next month. They are both set in their ways and possibly like most elderly people, do not like change and new technology. This fear and reluctance to change causes hesitation and avoidance when we suggest resources, assistive aids or offer our help.
I talk about some of my observations and challenges in Elder Care by the Disabled.
My wife and I are very blessed to still have her parents around to be able to experience these challenges!
Do you have any examples of overcoming any of your personal or professional challenges? Do you need help or advice with challenges? Have you also found a challenge to be a gift; like I described above? Are you working on solving some of the critical complex and widespread challenges I described in the intro to this post?
We all look forward to hearing from you.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author
Global Dialogue Center