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I wonder if someone who knew about your situation left the Bible on purpose at the church so that you would receive it? It would've been a kind-hearted gift.

After giving birth to my daughter who was born with Down Syndrome, my focus on life and its events has changed. The church that I attend has recently started a special needs ministry. I have had the privilege of educating the person responsible with resources and events from my life experience. My child does not participate in this ministry. I have pushed for inclusion and succeeded; she participates in all activities in her age (3) group. Another success is that four families and I started a DS playgroup. There are at least 25 families on the list! We get together at least once a quarter. My favorite things about the playgroup are sharing information with the families and meeting one-on-one with new moms and their babies. One thing I have learned from this whole experience is that I am right where I am supposed to be.

Hello Linda, Regenia and all,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts

Linda, I have been thinking the same thing about how that bible got into the church with my name and telephone number in it. I just wish I had enough strength and wits about me at the time to go to the church to check it out. I had many visitors in the hospital and many people all around the world I did not even know praying for me to live. Through those connections is one way the bible could have got in the church.

Regenia,it sounds like the work you are doing is truly needed. I can tell by your message you have the passion, caring and diligence for success in what you choose to do.

I’ll bet the families and their children are very happy you strived ahead and created the DS playgroup.
We all need help from others at times. We also need people to take the lead and push forward gently, passionately, and tactfully to create opportunities that do not exist.

Does our messages help anyone else think of what they are thankful for? Any questions? Any comments or other ideas to help us be thankful and accept help, even if from unknown sources?

Bill Tipton

Hi Bill,
I am thankful for this blog and for the opportunity to read your story. What an amazing story and to see how strong your faith is with all you've been through!!
I too am a believer and I believe it is important for people to come along side those that are struggling and lend a hand.

Michèle (I am hearing impaired and have a hearing ear dog, name Walker)

Hello Michele and all,

Michele, I am happy you and Walker found us. As you mentioned it is good to help others who might be struggling. I hope you visit us now that you found us and help where you can, and accept help as needed.

You might enjoy Collaborating Effectively With the Deaf.

I am ready to accept unexplainable guidance. Does any one else have stories, or comments to share?

 Bill Tipton
Contributing Author
Global Dialogue Center


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