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Hi Bill,

This time of the year is very special to me, I love to share the family togetherness , that my parents started over 50 years ago. All family members come home for Christmas to share the gift of giving Love and support to each other. We always invite a family that is not our relative and share with them which has been given to us. This year we have a friend who has had major medical problems, gone through a divorce and has two great kids. She gladly accepted the invite and I hope we can share some cheer in their lives for this Christmas.
Bill i must say you inspire me and when ever I read your weblogs, I look into the mirror of my life and say Thank God for your drive and inspriation.
May you and Kathy have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Hello Cathy and all,

Cathy I can tell you have the true meaning of this holiday season in your heart. You and your family are truly gracious and have a great attitude in taking in others for the holidays.

This is exactly one of the gifts I talked about when you share your love and compassion within your family with others. Your friend and their family will be able to share some cheer all because of you and your family’s unselfishness.

Besides celebrating the holidays this month, my wife and I both celebrate our birthdays during this special month.

Does anyone else have examples of simple gifts that have true meaning? Any other traditions you like to participate in during the holidays? Any other thoughts? We all want to hear from you.

Bill Tipton

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