Has anyone ever hit a roadblock that seems impenetrable? Have you been unable to sleep because the day’s challenges keep racing uncontrollably through your mind at lightning speed as you anticipate tackling challenges all over again the next day? Does your mind uncontrollably contemplate solutions, strategies and actions to solve your challenges as you try to force sleep? Does stress and anxiety ripple through your body? I believe we can all help each other meet such challenges we face in an ever changing and complex world we live in. Like others, I have faced many challenges, some small and some critical. Skills learned during hard times can be transferable and leveraged to help us in our every day life. Have the attitude that such painful and uncomfortable learning’s are a blessing in disguise. We need to be observant as not to miss out on how we can gain knowledge from our difficulties and learn to live without fear. With our shared experience, and lessons learned in handling such challenges we can help each other in our personal and professional lives. A few key lessons learned from my experiences Some thought they should unplug my life support when I was in a coma for 3 months. • Trust your inner instinct, have faith like my wife Kathy, family and primary care doctor did when they decided not to end my life • When you enable a life to live you never know how many others that life will have a meaningful impact on. All medical specialists said I had no hope of ever walking again. • Believe in yourself and do not fully rely on the opinions of others. •Dare to live, have faith, take chances and do not believe all negative comments directed towards you. I recently listened to the recording of an excellent dialogue: Putting Our Differences to Work: HARD TIMES: Gifts of INSIGHT hosted by Debbe Kennedy. Many insightful and passionate leaders discussed and shared valuable lessons about difficult times and the value of learning and accepting these as a new opportunity for a new beginning. I hope we can all have the courage to live without fear and create meaning in our life. How can we help each other confront and defeat our roadblocks, fear, challenges and other obstacles’ that prevent us from fully flourishing as the person we want to become? Any insight to help put our restless minds at peace when we try to regenerate in our daily needed sleep? Do you have a story to share with lessons learned? Bill Tipton Contributing Author Global Dialogue Center http://www.globaldialoguecenter.com/