Are you ready to achieve your aspirations, goals and engage 2010 with a fresh start and can- do attitude? Beginning a new year gives us the chance for a fresh start. If your goals include anything you have not attempted prior, these experiences and feelings of uncertainty can be compared to what a newborn baby or young child experiences as they learn essential skills to succeed in life. If only we could re-live, or remember, we could leverage experiences and skills needed to accomplish other things in life we have never attempted, or do not have the skills to accomplish. Success does not come without a lot of hard work, discipline, dedication to excellence, continuous self exploration and self-improvement. When we are performing tasks we have never previously attempted, we may doubt our skills, and ability to handle stressful and difficult situations. I am very familiar with attempting and succeeding at new opportunities and challenges by now; after recovering from a 3 month long coma, 7 month hospitalization, losing all of my eyesight, and literally needing to lern how to do everything over again. I compare that experience to re-living what I learned as a new born baby, or young child. I sometimes think to myself, I was given a gift to re-live what it was like when I was a baby and did not know how to do anything without help. Here is a very short list of how I re-learned and experienced childhood as an adult: Learned how to sit up by myself, get out of bed by myself, eat solid foods, feed myself, talk, stand up on my two feet, walk without eyesight, find things around my house, without eyesight, and leave the house by myself, eager to experience the freedom and joy, as I walk in my complete darkness. As an adult I was able to re-live such experiences and was able to learn from those experiences, which I integrated into the skills learned to improve my professional and personal successes. Even with overcoming all of those challenges, I still doubt my abilities at times. What I have learned is that if you try, do not give up, and work hard, you might succeed. Trust yourself and make an attempt. Do it again, and again, no matter how difficult, challenging and fearful the task might be. Soon you will find you have mastered the skill. What you once thought as being beyond your abilities soon becomes second nature. Try. If you do not try, or give up, you will fail for sure. At times, it seems there may be no hope of success. I have learned even extremely difficult things which I may have never done before in my life are possible, if I am persistent and utilize all inner strength and resources to succeed. How will you meet your aspirations, goals and engage 2010 with a fresh start and can- do attitude? Any tips or stories to help us overcome fear of failure, preventing any hope of success? I hope you do not have to re-live experiences from infancy to put your new year’s transformation on the fast track; like I experienced. Pursue 2010 with past life’s lessons, build upon and create your best year ever. May you all have a successful, blessed, joyful, caring and positive 2010. Bill Tipton Contributing Author, Global Dialogue Center LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: