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You never cease to amaze me. Your positive views are an inspiration.


Hi Bill, Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful to you for letting me guide you, and teaching me how to be grateful for the bounty that is my life, and for the people who, sometimes unknowingly, have guided me. I am grateful to Kathy, who believed when no one else did, that you'd be here today guiding us.
In gratitude,

A belated "Happy Thanksgiving" to you, Bill. Hope your holiday was both restful and joyous.

Thank you Joe, Guy and Jeff for your comments and for helping me gain trust as we accomplished tasks together that some might seem risky or unchartered for the most part. Also, thank you all who have read our conversation about thankfulness, but have not provided comments yet.

What are the others thankful for? How will you celebrate thankfulness and gratitude? Do you have any examples of how thankfulness
And gratitude has benefitted you and others?

We all look forward to hearing from you.

Bill Tipton

Contributing Author,

Global Dialogue Center

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