I hope last year was filled with all the joy and happiness you deserved and I also hope this year will be just as wonderful in spite of challenges, barriers or obstacles you may have had. I anticipate that some of you may have set goals to help increase your chances of having an even better new year. Also, I recognize that some of you were struggling to overcome obstacles and barriers, due to no fault of your own.
When it feels like you are making slow to no progress towards your goals on your own, do what is right and consider asking for and accepting help when needed. Believing in yourself, the goodness of others and having faith can cause assistance to come unexpectedly without even asking from unseen sources, as I talk about in my two blog posts below.
Please read Pay Attention to Signals - Path of Life and Thankful for Unexplainable Guidance which I wrote to help you understand what I meant in my previous statements.
Let’s all maintain a positive frame of mind and outlook on life as we strive to make this year even better than last year despite the obstacles and barriers some of us are facing. As we pursue our goals it is critical not to allow negativity to sneak into our thoughts thus draining our flexibility and creativity which is critical for success. One last point to help us start this year in the best possible position to achieve our goals and reach our destiny is simply this: we cannot forget that anything worth striving for and achieving requires a lot of hard work, discipline and determination.
Does anyone have any stories to share about how you plan to increase your personal and professional success this year? Do you have examples to share that may help others learn the value of accepting and offering assistance? Any stories of unexplainable guidance you received and how this help benefited you?
I look forward to hearing your valuable thoughts and comments.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/wdtipton
Facebook: http://profile.to/wdtipton
Twitter: http://twitter.com/wdtipton
Nice to live by.
Posted by: AJ | January 31, 2015 at 12:10 PM