Do you enjoy the fall season like I do? Since I am very busy most days like others I do understand if we do not slow down and prioritize our values this joyful season can pass us by like the leaves fluttering by us on a windy day. Life passes by so quickly therefore I believe we should not waste any time being preoccupied by non-critical tasks and take the time to enjoy very precious moments. Also this time of year I feel we should be spending more time with family or friends if we are fortunate enough to have them in our lives.
Below I have listed a few of the many reasons why I enjoy fall. Some of them you may be able to relate to.
- Listening to the laughter and joy of children as they walk by our home as they return to their schedule of going to and from school.
- Experiencing the pleasant sensations of the air temperature as it transitions from hot to cooler.
- When outdoors listening to the relaxing sounds of leaves fluttering by while hearing the honking geese as they fly by.
- Anticipating the upcoming holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s among many others in which we have the opportunity to share ourselves with others unselfishly.
- The joy of picking out pumpkins and apples with family and friends, creating lasting memories and enjoying the delightful fall weather outdoors.
- Happily experiencing my loving wife decorating our home to create holiday wonderlands. Also being with others, if possible, to share the enjoyment decorations can create.
- Appreciating the cooler days that can aid in alertness, cooler evenings which makes sleeping easier and experiencing the days as they get shorter and nights get longer.
Do you have any fall traditions you would like to share? Perhaps you have suggestions to help us slow down and prioritize our values to enable us to enjoy fall before it passes by. How can we help others who are less fortunate than us and may not be able to get out to enjoy fall? Does anyone have tips to encourage the joy of unselfish behavior?
We look forward to hearing your valuable thoughts and comments to help us enjoy the fall season so it does not pass us by like leaves fluttering by on a windy day.
Bill Tipton
Contributing Author,
Global Dialogue Center