GOOD NEWS #41 - #49---Energy, Research, Materials, Medicine, Transportation, Ecosystems, Climate Change
This time, I'm sharing NINE "good news" ideas that will be shaping our future. I've included:
- a source of a great overview on ENERGY
- a breakthrough battery
- a new ocean exploration vehicle
- a paint that "heals" its own scratches
- an electronic pill
- a new antibiotics paradigm
- how asphalt is being created from old tires
- an answer to how do you make more fertile soil?
- news about whiter clouds cooling the earth
On March 31, as I previously mentioned, I teamed up with long-time colleague, Debbe Kennedy for an online dialogue at the Global Dialogue Center on the timely topic of "Innovating in Hard Times". We explored the ideas explored in my new 2009 film, Innovation at the Verge and five qualities for leadership that are essential for innovation in the 21st Century. I wanted report back that over 400 leaders and innovators turned out for this important conversation. They came from across industries and areas of expertise from 20 countries, including at least one person from all 50 states in the United States. We shared best practices and learned a great deal from one another. Based on the value attendees expressed, we plan to do an encore. Should you want to be included, please leave a comment to let us know how to reach you.
Scroll down to see my good news ideas #41 through #49...
Joel Barker-- Joel
futurist, filmmaker, author
ENERGY #41 - A Great Energy Overview
National Geographic has produced an excellent energy overview as part of its March 2009 issue. It covers the spectrum of solutions, both for producing sustainable electricity and liquid fuels.
National Geographic March 2009 "ENERGY: Repowering Our Planet."
Online URL:
#42 - A Breakthrough Battery
We should give MIT a special award from the nation for all the good ideas it is generating. Now, its researchers have found a new way to make lithium batteries that allows them to be charged in a matters of seconds instead of hours! This a true paradigm shift because it so dramatically changes the boundaries of batteries and the kinds of problems batteries will be able to solve. Charging your car after 250 miles of driving will take less time than going instead the station to buy a cup of coffee. And, of course, this new approach may work with other battery technologies as well.
One caveat: you need to be able to push a lot of electrons into the batteries to get fast charging. You won't be able to do that at home, even with a 220 circuit, but it will still be faster than the old batteries and you won't care because your car is charging overnight. But, the need for lots of electrons fast keeps the value of the "gas" station. If it is properly retro-fitted, you could recharge your car there rapidly. And you will be happy to pay for the convenience. So, it could be a win/win/wi--for gas stations, for car owners and for the environment.
Google: MIT battery breakthrough, fast-charging lithium batteries
Photo: MIT News Donna Coveney
#43 - Sailing the Oceans Blue
Most people never think about the following fact: we know more about the surface of the Moon than we do about the floors of our oceans. A new vessel has been designed and commissioned by NOAA to start to change all that. Its permanent mission is to explore the deepest parts of the seas. It will be using an advanced sonar system to map the oceans' floors and deploying robots to examine unexplored territory. It will also be communicating back to home base using a very high bandwidth which means video signals from the robots will be good enough for television. And, of course, it will be inventorying creatures that have never been seen before.
For your children who want adventure and exploration, the ocean is one of the two most important last frontiers.
Image: NOAA - Ocean Explorer Site
MATERIALS #44 - Paint that Fixes Its Own Scratches
The end of scratches on cars could be just around the corner. A company in Illinois has developed a technology that lets car paint fix itself, almost like blood clotting. While cars will probably be is most visible use, it will have a huge impact on paints that are used to protect very expensive machinery, heavy equipment, even oil rigs where the paint is being constantly attacked by the weather.
Google: self-healing paint "Autonomic Materials"
#45 - "The Electronic Pill"
Think about swallowing a pill to take care of an illness. Except this pill is unlike any other because it is electronic. As it passes through your digestive system, it takes measurements of your health and then releases specific drugs to heal you with just the right dosage at just the right place. And when it is done, you simply pass it out.
Google: iPill; electronic pill
#46 - A Whole New Paradigm of Antibiotics
Here's the short form of this new concept: Phages(a special form of viruses) can kill drug resistant bacteria safely. The long form can be found in an extraordinary article in Popular Science April 2009. It turns out that Eastern European countries have been using, cultivating, and improving phages for antibiotics for decades. Yet, in the USA, they are not allowed. The irony is that prior to the rise of penicillin, doctors in the USA routinely used phages.
We have a antibiotic resistance problem in 70% of hospital-borne infections in the USA. It is clear phages open a new pathway to stop that problem. But, because it is a different paradigm, there is substantial resistance. The good news is you can fly to Europe and buy phages over-the-counter. The bad news is, you can't do it here yet.
This is going to be very important, if for no other reason, the climbing costs of hospital infection.
IMAGE: Full image and story:
Google: Phage, bacteriophages
(this will take you to the Popular Science article itself)
TRANSPORTATION #47- Where the Rubber Meets the Road
A Spanish company named Repsol has developed a new technology that turns old tires into an advanced asphalt that last longer than standard asphalt and improves its grip. Given the fact the the United states, all by itself, creates 190 million used tires every year, this could be another Two-fer: get rid of the tires while reducing the need to use new material to create asphalt. It would be interesting to see if Repsol has done a count of their "raw materials." It has got to be in the billions of tires.
(A little research shows that this is an old technology, but not broadly used. Yet. So, Repsol is starting the conversation again. Maybe this time, it will catch on.The third reference below is a report from the city of Phoenix where they have been using rubberized asphalt since the 1960's with very positive results.)
Google: Repsol, tires into asphalt
#48 - Diversity and Fertility: How to Get Better Soil
The University of Minnesota , my alma mater, has been leading the world in ecological research at its Cedar Creek Facility. Most recently work done there demonstrates that biodiversity increases soil fertility. The old paradigm of soil fertility suggested that it takes decades for soil fertility to come back after the nutrients have been take out. Now it looks like it can happen much quicker if there is a high diversity of plants engaged in restoring the soil. This also suggests that using a variety of prairie plants could increase crop yields for cellulosic biofuels even as the soil is being made healthier at the same time. Add this research to the research on terra Preta (see my earlier post) and we may be heading toward a new golden age of soil, the life blood of all civilizations!
Google: Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, University of Minnesota soil fertility, David Tilman
#49 - Creating Whiter Clouds to Cool the Earth
John Latham, atmospheric physicist and engineer Stephen Salter has designed a special ship that sails the seas to change the temperature of the atmosphere. It sprays seawater droplets up into the atmosphere where they would increase the density of the clouds. The increased density makes the clouds whiter and therefore reflects back into space more heat. End result, the temperature of the planet is lowered. The best deal about this idea from my point of view is it is completely controllable. You aren't doing something so vast that you can't stop it. We will need that kind of ability to fine-tune because there is still a lot we don't understand about the global warming issue.
Google: John Latham, Clouds for cooling
URL: (Neat picture)
We are always waiting for hearing good news. A lot of problems are growing around us and these make us hopeless. Thanks for sharing these.
Posted by: engineering resume | 07/07/2012 at 08:32 AM
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Posted by: Joannah | 04/06/2009 at 03:39 AM