I'm excited to announce that my new book is out: HOODWINKED: Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded—and How to Remake Them. Below I've provided two things that serve as a primer to the book. First, is my interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now. My conversation with Amy gave me an opportunity to set the stage for the work we all have ahead. Additionally, below, I have provided a detailed summary of eight key facts about HOODWINKED to support and inspire your contributions creating the change we need.
John Perkins Interview with Amy Goodman - Democracy NOW
8 KEY POINTS to Support Your Important Work:
HOODWINKED provides the facts – and many personal stories from economic hit men, jackals, business execs, politicians, and educators – behind the following eight key points:
1. The United States.The US – in fact the world – has been stolen by the very wealthy and powerful, the corporatocracy.
2. Failed System. This has created a failed system – unsustainable, unjust, unstable, dangerous.
3. Predatory Capitalism. The cause is a mutant, viral form of capitalism – what I call “Predatory Capitalism” that began with President Reagan and the philosophy that a) the only goal of business is to make profits, b) corporations should not be regulated, and c) every major economic sector should be privatized. This virus has spread with each subsequent administration.
4. Mutant forms of Capitalism. 9/11 was a shock used by the Bush administration to boost this mutant form of capitalism to unprecedented new levels: privatize the military (and introduce privatized Homeland Security); further deregulate financial institutions; radically increase military budgets; and encourage shopping and excessive materialism.
5. The Crises We Really Need to Fear. The 9/11 shock distracted us from the crises we really need to fear: climate change, resources diminishing at accelerating rates, increasing prices for fuel, foods, and other essentials, violence that results from exploited people living desperate, starving lives, overpopulation, general environmental and social degradation. For the first time in history, every human being – every life form – is confronted by these same crises.
6. Countries and presidents have lost power. Corporations have the power. World geopolitics may be represented by huge clouds (the multinational companies) drifting around the planet; they know no borders and obey no specific sets of laws.
7. The GOOD NEWS: we control corporations. The market place is democratic. The way out is for us the people to support companies that are committed to a sustainable, just, peaceful world; to institute regulations that codify this; to recognize as heroes men and women who are dedicated to creating a world our children and their brothers and sisters around the planet will want to inherit -- in essence to rid ourselves of the mutant virus and create a new type of capitalism.
8. We're in this TOGETHER. We are all in this together and we are all communicating with each other. The Internet and cell phones offer opportunities to unite us like never before in the human experience.
We the people must create the change.
I am encouraged by grassroots movements across this planet (described in HOODWINKED) and by the commitment of students on campuses in the US and throughout the world. Please read HOODWINKED, share it with your friends, and let’s together create a sustainable, just, and peaceful world.
I hope too that I will see you at one of the upcoming book signings – please see my website for the schedule of events – http://www.johnperkins.org .
John Perkins
Visit the John Perkins COLLECTIONat the Global Dialogue Center