I’m writing to you having just returned from a wonderful trip to Costa Rica. Each time I travel to that sacred place I’m thankful to be on this earth and am reminded how fragile and precious these places are.
As I wrote in the The World Is As Your Dream It, “ our entire economy revolves around what we think of as 'heavy' industry and 'durable' goods, and this is completely contrary to the natural world and those who live close to it.”
When I’m asked what sort of dream can we create together, I always respond, “It has to be one that honors the Earth above all else and that is not dependent on the violent technologies we have come to associate with mining and constructing.”
In Hoodwinked, I ask, “Do we want a world ruled by a few billionaires, intent on controlling the planet’s resources with the goal of serving their increasingly voracious appetites?”
I know, that you, like me would answer, “Absolutely not.”
We should not forget the power of what a small group of people determined to make a change in the world can engender. This week was the fiftieth anniversary of the four North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College students who sat-in at the Woolworth’s whites only lunch counter.
While at the time its significance was not taken notice of by any major newspapers, it launched an entire movement dedicated to the eradication of Jim Crow segregation.
You, I, your neighbors, and your loved ones are all capable of engendering great events that will benefit mankind and our future generations. No matter what the setbacks if you consciously and intentionally choose for every interaction to be one of authenticity and empowerment for all, than you will CHANGE the world.
And I will champion your efforts!
You can also always visit my site for a full event schedule – http://www.johnperkins.org .
I also posted a new Huffington Post blog titled, “The Tremor Felt Round the World” in response to many of you writing and asking what I felt about the tragedy in Haiti. I wanted to include that link for you here - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-perkins/the-tremor-felt-round-the_b_431894.html .
I continue to be grateful for all you’re doing to support my work and my latest book, HOODWINKED (Random House). Each month for those of you who post a review on Amazon and send us a link to it at the [email protected] account, we will enter your email into a drawing for a signed copy of the book as well.
Please share this email with all your lists and please follow me on Twitter - @economic_hitman .
Many thanks and blessings,
John Perkins
An Economic Hit Man Reveals
Why the World Financial Markets Imploded
and What We Need to Do to Remake Them
by John Perkins
Bestselling author of
Order a YOUR COPY at Amazon.com
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