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Midwivery is a messy business. Blood, feces, fluids, screaming, and sometimes death... messy.

So is killing off old political institutions.... there is no hospice for a dying political system - there is only euthanasia. Not sure how one treats "with respect" any institution that has become craven and evil... bad metaphor to compare corrupt institutions with our aging parents and family members.

John Renesch

corrupt institutions were once functional and reflective of our design...they became dysfunctional over time. Yes hospice is messy, just like birth is, but both are based on respect for life - the one passing and the one coming into the world.


You again misread my comment. Hospice is not messy. Birth is messy. KILLING off old political institutions is messy, but called for. Hospice is too good for them.

There are plenty of cultures where respect for life CALLS FOR destroying institutions that damage it. It is respect for life that calls for killing those things that destroy life. Hospicing them does no one any good... Hospice assumes they are already terminal - this is a false assumption. Corrupt institutions will continue on perhaps shifting shape slightly, but continue on nonetheless - unless we put a figurative bullet through them.

If you want them to die, you have to kill them. They won't die on their own. They are like a cancer that only grows.

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