Quite by chance, I found the original copy of an essay I wrote at the Santa Barbara Writer's Conference years ago. Actually, I was stunned when I saw the dated piece, realizing it was written 20 years ago. My life has had many painful twists and wonderful turns in those years.
What I remember about this writing was that it came from deep within my soul. Someone had asked me, "So, what is perfect life?" I wrote. In the writing, I see dreams now realized and a glimpse inside at who I was then and who I have become. With deep gratitude, I sit looking out at the sea, peace is all around me----now ready to share from another time and place.
Perfect Life
by Debbe Kennedy
It's beginnings are clear in the symbol of my ribbons and in the dream of a beach house. There is peace, within me and all that surrounds me.
The dimensions of my life and my dreams have the perpetual newness of spring. First a blossoming...then in beauty of it finest hour, a new bud forms to awaken my world with a new color not yet seen before, once again delighting the day with the promise of more to come--- more to learn---more to accomplish---more to give to those who touch my life---more to become myself.
The truth is I'm not searching to find the essence of all I've described. I have been working to pattern my life in this fashion for a long time. ...And when darkness came to me, my vision's brightness gave me hope and I moved on to find tomorrow.
What are your thoughts on perfect life?
Copyright 2005 Debbe Kennedy