It has been appalling to read the accounts of one of the most powerful leaders in the world and his staff as they dance around the significant breech of leadership conduct regarding the leak of identity of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame. It is difficult to fathom that there is not more public outrage.
Interestingly, our own government runs by a different set of leadership standards than one would expect. Most great companies have values and standards of conduct and leaders are expected to set the example. If you violate the rules, you are OUT. In my tenure at IBM as a leader in my former career, I saw numbers senior executives marched to the door for violations of leadership conduct far less grievous than what has been admitted already in this Karl Rove case.
Without even knowing all of the facts, both George Bush and Karl Rove would be fired for such negligence in the way they have responded as leaders, just knowing about this situation and participating in it. Karl Rove should have bolted into action the minute he heard about this situation, if his testimony is correct that he heard it from another journalist he can't recall ---instead he participated in it further with Robert Novak.
Upon hearing that a CIA operative had been exposed, shouldn't he have briefed his boss and taken appropriate action at that time?
When Bush heard about the violation long ago, shouldn't he have called Rove in immediately, confronted him and fired him then for shirking his leadership responsibilities?
Instead, the violators are left to squander taxpayer dollars on a big investigation, when the truth is all that is needed.
Isn't Karl Rove at a level of leadership that one would expect his conduct to be above reproach?
Wouldn't one expect that any answers regarding whether he did something or didn't, could be answered by him directly without an investigation?
Once again, the Bush administration proves it operates outside the laws of this country. Its lies and half-truths are disgusting.
Why do we, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as citizens, accept such a low level of integrity from our elected leaders??
I welcome your thoughts.
Debbe Kennedy
The worst part of all this is that Rove will have to be proven guilty of a felony before the administration gives any thought to letting him go. What happened to ethics? Just being a scum-bag and liar in this administration is not enough to lose your job, only a felony is.
Posted by: jmcmaster | July 19, 2005 at 05:22 PM
JMC: It is shocking to me! Unfortunately, with all the other NEWS to divert attention (and I believe it is obvious that some of the hype is intentional), the fact these criminal acts have happened has been hardly noticed by the public---- or it it more that as a society are we so de-sensitized to honesty and dignity and ethics that we just accept our leaders as-is without question and go on with our lives. A sad state...WAKE-UP AMERICANS!
Posted by: debbe kennedy | July 26, 2005 at 06:42 PM