Total civilian deaths = 24,865 people dead --- The most powerful leaders in the world have neglected the decency to acknowledge these individuals.
Total civilian wounded = 42,500 people wounded --- The most powerful leaders in the world have neglected the decency to acknowledge these individuals.
Excerpt from writings of Desmond Tutu...
"All I know, God, is that it's all so horrendous,
The high-tech war with computers
That declare that we are so advanced,
and we can bomb with breathtaking
Precision and people die and
Building collapse, and blood flows, whether it
Is precision bombing or---
It is all the same, you are dead.
And in Paris, and New York, and Birmingham,
In Tel Aviv, in Baghdad, In riyadh
A mother waits anxiously for news
Of her son, of her daughter, of her husband.
A child waits...
How many deaths will it take before too many people have died?
Debbe Kennedy
An African Prayer Book by Desmond Tutu