President Bush's speech was just that ...a group of words and promises. After all the hype about him at last "taking responsibility" for the failures of his administration. I waited, longing to see leadership signs this miracle had taken place. Unfortunately, "taking responsibility" obviously are just words to him...he made no personal connection to his own behavior, keeping the blame still an arms-length away from taking personal responsibility himself and accepting its consequences.
If he had just been big enough to say, "I'm deeply sorry..." Unfortunately, even in the face of this unprecedented tragedy for which he said he was "taking responsibility," BUSH couldn't find it in himself to personally acknowledge the deaths, anguish, injustice, abuse, inhumane treatment of American citizens at the King Dome and the Convention Center in New Orleans --------- and personally express his regret. This would have gone a long way at bringing his rhetoric some sense of sincerity and meaning.
Some time ago, Desmond Tutu in commenting on the mistakes that had been made by BUSH and BLAIR in the IRAQ War, talked about the power and principle of saying, "I'm sorry." It seems to apply here too:
"How wonderful if politicians could bring themselves to admit they are only fallible human creatures and not God and thus by definition can make mistakes. Unfortunately, they seem to think that such an admission is a sign of weakness. Weak and insecure people hardly ever say 'sorry'.
"It is large-hearted and courageous people who are not diminished by saying: 'I made a mistake'.
...We've seen it at home in South Africa in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission when people who had made, I mean, perpetrated some of the most ghastly atrocities say, "Sorry." It has an incredible capacity to change the dynamics of a situation. Well, those of us who are married know just how difficult it is. It is the most difficult set of words to say in any language. I find it difficult to say it in the privacy of our bedroom, to say, "Sorry, darling, I -- yes, I'm sorry." But what it can accomplish. You say sorry. It pours balm. We've seen it do that. A country that should have gone up in flames, South Africa, was saved by the fact that people were ready to forgive, and people were ready to say, "Sorry." That would be the first step."
I love this country and it's not partisan or personal with BUSH for me. BUSH's performance as a leader of our country has been disappointing to say the least. I think our country needs a competent leader that can deliver EXCELLENCE. It is even more disappointing to see tendency of our citizens to be willing to accept such unacceptable leadership