TRUTH is a powerful standard. It doesn't need a two year investigation or delicate interpretations of what "is" is. TRUTH speaks louder than any partisan spin. Mark Twain said it perfectly, "If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything."
Today is yet another of many sad days for America that have been brought on by the behavior and actions of BUSH and his administration. Who would have imagined we would be watching indictments come down multiple times in the course of the supposed "reign of greater integrity in the White House." It doesn't matter whether some technicality will get them off. At best, they should all be asking, how did our behavior, actions and decisions, lead this country to such a place of public disgrace on many levels of our existence (e.g. the war, gas prices, oil company profits, homeland security, social security, Halliburton and the likes and so much more).
It sickens me to hear the political pundits working vigorously to spin excuses, diminish still another lapse in leadership integrity. We have created a society with such low expectations of our leaders ---- little lying, a little unethical behavior, a little cheating, a little misleading, a little injustice, a little abuse of our fellow citizens, a little more erosion of our reputation around the world, a little breach of public trust, a little exploitation of our neighbors and a LOT of killing...none of it passes the "sunshine test". As I've written before earlier this year, when I was raised as a young leader in IBM, our behavior was held to what they called the "sunshine test." We were charged with the responsibility to set an example and to have leadership behavior that was above reproach. One of the measurements was whether the behavior held up when the sun came up --- meaning if your behavior, actions or decisions, in the light of day, brought shame and disgrace or embarrassment for others or the company, you were out of your job and subject to dismissal without trials or weighing of technicalities. LEADERSHIP is a big responsibility and its standards are set by the leaders at the top ---- not by their hollow rhetorical promises on the stump. Leadership standards are set by what leaders do. This is not an administration that has been dealt a tough hand. They have had every opportunity to do what was right for our country, our people and the world ---- the opportunity has been squandered ----- and everything appears to be imploding on them by their own misuse of power. It is a great lesson of character and perhaps today, in part, is a symbol of the great HOPE that GOOD prevails.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power," warned Abraham Lincoln. He was right and I'm sure he's looking down upon it all with a heavy heart.
Gandhi described the seven things that will destroy us. We appear to be well into them at this time in our history.
Wealth without work;
Pleasure without conscience;
Knowledge without character;
Religion without sacrifice;
Politics without principle;
Science without humanity;
Business without ethics."
We can change this --- the millions of us that want more --- that want our children to have leaders of the highest integrity and a government for all people. Part of bringing about great change is opening your eyes to see the truth.
1. Start dreaming a bigger, better dream for our country and our world.
2. Get involved. Be the change you want to see in your country.
Debbe Kennedy
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