Updated November 4, 2005
As our country has been further shamed by George Bush's presence in Latin America with thousands of peaceful Anti-American protesters (and hundreds of not so peaceful ones) taking to the streets to speak out on US policies and BUSH's presidency, let's not overlook, or be distracted, by his shameful actions here at home this week also.
Touching tributes to Rosa Parks filled people with a deep sense of gratitude across our nation and the world earlier this week. The courage Mrs. Parks was given in that one special moment when she decided to refuse to give up her seat on the bus has had far-reaching implications on our national consciousness and was a catalyst for a government more representative of its people. By her one seemingly small act of determination, Rosa Parks gave us all a seat on the bus --- she opened the way for changes that most of us could not have imagined at one time. For this, our country and its people will be forever blessed by her contribution. Personally, I know my own leadership career was possible, in part, by her unselfish moment of conviction for which I am deeply grateful.
Unfortunately, before tributes to Rosa Parks were complete and her body laid to rest, President BUSH knowingly and willingly took a bold step forward in giving up the hard earned seat that Rosa Parks gave to all of us, passing it on to his political right base as he announced his 2nd nomination for the Supreme Court. If memory serves me right, he working to pass our seat to the same ultra-conservatives that didn't allow Rosa Parks a seat on the bus in the first place.
BUSH apparently didn't even mind using Rosa Parks for a symbolic photo op, while demonstrating by his Supreme Court Nomination that he has no conscience about defiling all that she stood for and represented as he presented his ultra conservative choice, as the person most suited to represent all people in our country ---- the same people whose freedom, equality, justice and prosperity ROSA PARKS spent a lifetime caring about.
I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people." --- Rosa Parks
There had been rumors that President Bush might present an ultra-conservative nomination after the debacle with Harriet Miers in order to satisfy the far-right, but I actually thought he might, with so many things falling apart, feel a need to make a tougher leadership choice that would work to unite all people, instead of further dividing our country. Unfortunately, BUSH never seems to fail to disappoint --- when you think he will act with a leader's human conscience, he again by his actions reminds us of his lack of concern for all people in our country.
Conservative pundits hailed the nomination, saying BUSH's second nomination to the Supreme Court wasn't about diversity, but about qualification. This is an interesting perspective when it is the Supreme Court that decides the issues that impact the lives of the rich diversity of people that make up our country. The nomination is surely about diversity, inclusion and justice for all people because of this truth. Although Samuel Alito has prestigious qualifications, his record does not reflect the mainstream moderate views of the majority of our citizens from all accounts so far.
Even more important about his nomination is that in the United States of America, our President filled TWO lifetime positions with two conservative white men, setting back the diverse representation of our highest court perhaps decades. BUSH was given two opportunities to set an example by his actions, much like leaders all over the country when they make hiring decisions. Again he demonstrated the same disrespect and disregard for all people that we saw vividly in New Orleans. He chose once again to dip into his band of cronies and pay political debts as the basis of his nominating decision that will impact our country for years to come if this second nomination is confirmed.
Sadly, why shouldn't he? . He can. He does whatever he wants. We've let him by our inaction and indifference, haven't we? BUSH has not been held accountable for one decision or leadership failure so far.
Wake-up America!!! Get up! Stand up! Speak up! Get involved!
The importance of this nomination goes way beyond party affiliation ---- it requires civic participation from us all. This is an issue about what's right for the people of our country at this critical moment in history. Let your views be known.
YOUR THOUGHTS??? What can we do together?
Debbe Kennedy
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