I doubt that Bush's heavily staged and rhetorical speech moved many people in this country or anywhere in the world. Party spokesmen are already praising his "candor". It is hard to translate a speech, discussed all afternoon on all the news programs,as one written to influence the President's polls --- to manipulate---, as being one of leadership candor. Even with the poetic ending rang with a particular insincere tone as he equated his message to some Christian Christmas Carole. Christ called for "loving your enemy."
It was also interesting to hear Bush feel so validated, by own admission, listening to the parents who have sent and sacrificed their sons and daughters into his illegal war. If he is so convinced, then why is not raising his daughters up for this noble cause he described tonight? Why is he so ready to send other people's children, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers, while he stays home safely with his family?
Missing from Bush's CANDOR?
The WHOLE TRUTH was missing from Bush's reported candor. He did not talk about the years ahead where the US will by all reports remain in IRAQ with their eyes on IRAQI resources and reconstruction of what we destroyed. What was also missing was his admission and public acknowledgment of civilian deaths that he personally holds the responsibility for in this war. With great drama, he retold the story of 9/11 and the nearly 3000 deaths. Interestingly, he forgot again to have the decency to acknowledge the innocent women and children and other civilians totaling "30,000 give or take a few" as he casually described the losses last week. What was missing from his candor was the truth that 227 military people have lost their lives in the last 75 days. What was missing from his candor was the admission of what this war has cost the American people, not just in dollars, but in his inattention to the looming domestic issues that have been forgotten with the debacles of this administration. What was missing from his candor was the WHOLE TRUTH that has escaped his speeches since the start of this war.
I'm not certain. If you have any ideas, share them! What I see, calls me to wake up every day and do what I can in my sphere of influence for the good of all. What I know for sure is that I hope for peace for the IRAQI people and I pray for all the people of the world. We have so much we could with all we have to make the world a better place.
"It may be long before the law of love will be recognized in internal affairs. The machineries of governments stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another."
--- Gandhi
Debbe Kennedy
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