Donald Trump prides himself on being a BIG thinker. “I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.” Obviously, last night in the final moments of his Apprentice Finale, there was no BIG thinking going on. Instead, we all watched the actions of two men, both held up as “great” LEADERS --- both exposing themselves in the final minutes to be nothing more than small men, characterized for the world to see, by their on words and actions.
I admit it, I was stunned by Randel Pinkett’s last minute switch in behavior. After already winning the title of Apprentice, the big prize, this touted leader, recognized for his “leadership caring for others,” chose self-interest over a call-to-be leader. Watching Randal as he betrayed his friend and colleague, Rebecca, in a play for personal power, all that was tall and handsome, seemed to just turn into an ugly moment of truth that radiated from his face. As he spoke the words, there was even kind of snarl that flashed over his the look of kindness seen in other episodes. In that moment, all the fancy clothes, degrees and other scholarly distinctions were over shadowed by a decision---by words and actions unbecoming to a leader, especially from man who by is own admission thought of Rebecca as a “little sister” and but highly qualified for the win.
Unfortunately, Donald Trump didn’t do much better. He did look stunned but he even whimped out, never even smoothing the awkward disregard and disrespect that filled the stage. Rebecca, left I am certain in a shattered, humiliating disbelief, closed the show with dignity and grace --- as she stayed visibly untouched, obviously held together by the same inner strength she exhibited throughout the show.
Randal also showed his business immaturity in seeing that this was a title he didn’t want to share. There was no sharing. There were clearly two job opportunities and Rebecca lost one of them, because of Randal’s desire for the full attention on him. What is truly sad about it is that his win will forever be tarnished by this split second decision, but it is those moments of challenge when leaders are called to GREATNESS. Randal and Trump failed this test.
”The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
--- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Did you watch?
What did you see and learn?
Debbe Kennedy
Another perspective: Dr. Alex Pattakos
Read more about what happened