I ran across an English proverb that seems to touch something inside me regarding this exploding topic of IMMIGRATION:
"Every man's neighbor is his looking glass."
It is hard to watch this situation erupt and not feel a range of emotions ---- from anger, disgust, disappointment and a deep compassion, depending on which vantage point you are viewing the realities. What strikes me with the deepest blow is our inability as a society to look at ourselves and ask the deeper questions about how we all helped create this mess and how can we rectify it ---- not with political band-aids and empty rhetoric fashioned after the fairy tale, The Emperor's New Clothing --- but with a new level of consciousness and caring about one another ---investing ourselves in thinking, questioning, taking personal responsibility and finding reasonable solutions that consider the LIVES and WELL BEING of all the people, balancing our judgments with what's right to do in the best interest of our citizens and our country.
What I've found fascinating is hearing the most conservative politicians and pundits spew out their accusations with a wagging finger at the undocumented immigrants. The officials of our country have turned their heads for as long as I can remember ---- we all have, haven't we, in some way ---- gladly accepting the dedication and hard work from the undocumented workers, paying them pennies in comparison to minimum wage and stuffing our pockets with the benefits and now, we turn to say,
"YOU! YOU! YOU! It's your fault for being here illegally."
The whole process has been broken by exploitation for political gain, putting band-aids on top of band-aids to win elections that have resulted in 11 million people now here undocumented and the greedy laughing all the way to the bank. What saddens me is seeing the reality that we've elected our officials to take care of our country's business and paid them generously for this unacceptable result??? Now we are turning once again to those same individuals --- without questions of accountability --- with most of us not involving ourselves, we are just sitting back expecting that some innovative resolution will happen. Is this not crazy?
The culprits are not just the big business and politicians either. What about all of us? CASE IN POINT: When I was growing up, my mother inherited a 12 room house with 56 windows (she was into counting things). She was getting older when this happened and also was not healthy, so keeping up this big house was not something she could do. So she hired LOUISA, an undocumented worker from Tijuana. She was a wonderful person. She came once a week for a very long, long day. She literally slaved all day, hardly taking a break...and she was well-loved by us all. My mother paid her very little. It was a steal as I remember hearing. I assume this was true versus what a US "maid" would have been paid in California. My recollection was that my mother often gave her hand-me-downs and cast-offs, as well as an occasional bonus that would be mentioned in the house. After keeping all 56 windows sparkling by washing five each week all year round, we were very sad when she was unexpectedly deported.
I am also deeply disappointed when I see the demonstrations and the Mexican flags waving. Don't get me wrong. I love our neighbors and I respect their country's flag, but this is our country. I am certain their intention in carrying their flag of identity is meaningful to them, but I don't think it helps their cause. Those suggesting it, did not serve them well. For US citizens, paying for the government services that many immigrants enjoy and those immigrants who have followed all the rules, it is in-your-face insulting at least in its perceived intent. If you want to be here in this country and you want its citizens to help you stay, it seems that you should be carrying our flag or at least carrying one of ours with yours, together. This would better symbolize that one is for nation of origin and ours is to show where they want to be.
I don't mind sharing the wealth and opportunity of this country with earnest people looking to better their families, who are here and contributing every day because of policies and practices that perhaps weren't the best. I do think IMMIGRATION needs a complete overhaul. In the interim, if all the citizens of our country ---yes, your next door neighbor, friends and mine --- who routinely lie, cheat and take advantage of our system with fraudulent claims on Social Security, Workman's Compensation, their taxes and other illegal actions, would straighten up their acts with a new sense of personal responsibility, we would probably have plenty of money to fund some innovative solution for IMMIGRATION issues and solve a lot of other problems, without devastating anyone's life and supporting our human family where it is needed. This requires accountability and self-examination of conscience.
Dr. Alex Pattakos, author of Prisoners of Our Thoughts, published his self-examination of conscience entitled, IMMIGRATION: "Reborn" as a Compassionate Conservative. "...Well, I've come to realize that my conservative view of "human needs" is founded on an evolving set of values that includes personal responsibility and, by implication, the will to meaning. In other words, I don't think or feel that we are doing justice to ourselves or others if we let anyone off the hook when it comes to personal responsibility. True freedom, as Viktor Frankl would say, is not about the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want it. On the contrary, true freedom rests firmly upon a foundation of personal (and collective) responsibility." Dr. Pattakos' examination provokes our thinking and questioning to a deeper level when he says, "I don't know about you, but my personal values dictate that there is nothing inherently "wrong" with drawing a line in the sand so that the boundaries of citizenship identity actually "mean" something."
I admit it; I've not thought about it much recently. However, this exploding issue begs for us to anwer this question, yes? What seems to be clear in listening to the dialogue is that we've lost our sense of personal responsibility that goes with it. The meaning of being a citizen has been compromised, when its main discussion is about entitlements from the government and whether your were born on one side of a border or another. It means more, doesn't it?
My dad was a decorated war hero; a Chaplain given two Bronze Stars for his heroism and innovative approach to working with the soldiers on the frontlines in World War II. When he died, I found many of his cherished poems and quotes and clippings, which I've kept. One was a page torn out of a magazine called THE NEW AGE dated June 1982. The title is:
It was written by Benjamin F. Dorwart from Florida. He cleverly dissected the Pledge of Allegiance word-by-word, offering his sense of the meaning behind the words. I wanted to share the last part as food-for-thought:
One Nation under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. --- c.1982
Undivided or united.
The body of people united under a single independent Government.
From a lower position and helpless, but strengthened by God on our side.
The Supreme Being, who through His love for this country has helped our nation to grow to where it is today.
We are not divisible or separable into parts, but together always.
In mutual relation to, equal to.
Freedom from slavery, imprisonment, or control by another.
Unstressed with more.
The principle of fair and honest dealings between persons, rightfulness.
In support of what the Country stands for.
To all us who are living in this great Country.
I couldn't help highlight some of the words. When you read Benjamin Dorwart's interpretation, it is clear that somehow we've lost our way, don't you think? Perhaps, our beliefs, policies and practices need to be refreshed, renewed and revitalized to reflect a new time, new needs and to find the "right way" to solve current issues. The question is who is it at this time in history can has the ability to really change things, except US ---- yes, you and me!
What can we do to help each other understand, accept and take personal ownership for responding to the crisis situation we've helped to create by our actions, indifference and inaction? How can we individually and collectively become the tipping point of this INJUSTICE for people and for our country?
What do you think? I hope you won't just read, speak up! Help the rest of us.
I hope to hear from you.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
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