We have to be asking some BIG QUESTIONS of ourselves and our government.
What have we become?
Every day we continue to see signs of a widening MESS --- of injustices --- greed --- poor judgment --- killing and maiming --- failed policies --- war profiteering --- build-up of arms --- ravishing what belongs to others --- lies and propaganda filling our airwaves --- American citizens abused --- hatred building around the world for anything U.S. and more. I know in my lifetime, and I'm sure yours, we have never witnessed an Presidential administration in the White House that has more disgraced, dismantled, denigrated the values upon which our country was built than this one ---- nor have we watched top officials lead one debacle after another, right before our eyes, without any serious accountability for such failed leadership and a warring nature way out of control. There are those that contend this is not new. Okay, I agree, but thanks to the Internet, it is at least more and more visible --- exposed --- to us all, if we care to become part of the citizens who are responsible for turning the tide.
Fort Lewis Announces a New Policy to Trim Number of Soldier Memorial Ceremonies; Halliburton, Leading US War Profiteer Hits $20 Billion in US Government Contracts
You might think it odd to capture these two seemingly unrelated current events, but they do have a relationship --- a relationship to where we put our values and where our government is investing US Taxpayer dollars.
In a shameless proclamation, the Fort Lewis acting commanding general, Brig. Gen. William Troy, in a memo to commanders and staff last week, announced a new policy. Fort Lewis, which this month has suffered its worst losses of the war, will no longer conduct individual memorial ceremonies for soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Source: The Olympian - May 30, 2007). A copy of the General Troy's memorandum was obtained and posted on the United for Peace of Pierce County website.
"As much as we would like to think otherwise, I am afraid that with the number of Soldiers we now have in harm's way, our losses will preclude us from continuing to do individual memorial ceremonies.
I see this as a way of sharing the heavy burdens our spouses and Rear Detachments bear, while giving our fallen warriors the respect they deserve. It will also give the families of the fallen the opportunity to bond with one another, as they see others who share their grief."
In his memo dated May 22, Troy apparently said he asked the post’s senior chaplain, Col. Jack Van Dyken, to work out the details of the new policy. The Olympian reported: “This is not an intent to streamline the process or in any way detract from honoring the soldiers,” Van Dyken said. “It’s just being cognizant of the fact that when you have this many, the time involved in doing each one individually is just prohibitive.” Can you believe what you just read, knowing the time investment, sacrifice and anguish that our soldiers and military families bear every day?
In the same report, it is also noted that "other Army posts already consolidate soldier memorials into one or two ceremonies per month," as if it justifies this shameless cost cutting, time saving, disrespectful, inhuman decision.
So, if we are to get the full message here, our government will take every soldier they can get. Use them. Ask for the ultimate sacrifice from them and their families. Put them in harm's way, but because too many are dying, our government is unwilling to invest time, money and resources to honor each of those that fall in service to our country. This is immoral.
Meanwhile, earlier this month, we discover that our government, choosing its investments, has now lined the pockets of Halliburton (VP, Cheney's former employer) with $20 Billion in contracts that have been less than exemplary. CorporateWatch Hall of Shame reported May 16, 2007:
"...Houston-based Halliburton was chosen for allegedly being "the nation's leading war profiteer, for grossly under-delivering -- and shortchanging our troops -- on more than $20 billion in lucrative government contracts and for planning to move its headquarters to Dubai, enabling them to shirk paying their full share of United States taxes."
I ask again, and I hope you will too, what have we become?
In response, as I was finishing writing this piece, I heard Barak Obama speaking. He said, "We all have the opportunity to shape history." We need to wake up. Pay attention. See there are some BIG QUESTIONS to ask. We need to connect the dots and watch for the seemingly unrelated stories that serve as symbols of all that is wrong --- we have to share them with others, so they too can see the truth. We have to join together to stop the war, honor and care for those who served and recognize that the urgency and significance of the need for change in our country.
Together, we the people, can change things. The future is ours to create.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
The Secret History of the American Empire by John Perkins
releases June 5, 2007
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