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James M. Buels

I have come to the conclusion that our country has taken the direction it has because it is dying: as a nation, and, more importantly, as an idea. The United States of America was, after all, created as a set of ideas which comprised one grand idea: a government, and a people, dedicated to the rule of law; a law which sprang from the people themselves, which respected the rights given to every human being by God, and which the people and their representatives continually modified according to their changing needs and perspectives, in order to produce the best, happiest, most just society the world had ever seen: a model for other nations to emulate.

Sadly, tragically, our country has never lived up to these grand ideas, but that, in itself, could never bring about what we are seeing today in this country. We are witnessing the betrayal of all these ideas, and many more besides, because we, ourselves, no longer believe in them. And because we no longer believe in the ideas which founded us, the country they created is ceasing to exist before our very eyes.

Most Americans would protest that we still, as a nation, espouse these ideals, but that is untrue. We have replaced these ideas with selfish desires and lusts, retreating into a craven need for stability, conformity and security. That's why a leader like George W. Bush can so easily control us with fear, the age-old tool of control all dictators, throughout history, have used. A nation founded on the principles I have outlined requires a people of courage, and we have allowed our courage to ebb away over the decades and centuries. That is partly because we have been manipulated into believing that courage refers only to the willingness to die in battle. Sadly, that is the lowest form of courage. The highest form, and the form we most need, is the courage to LIVE, and live as free people who take responsibility for their actions and convictions, and hold to those convictions regardless of how much we are villified and opposed by those around us, and without striking out against those who persecute us.

I would like to believe that we may yet turn the direction of our country around, but a country that has lost faith in the ideas which founded it cannot save itself overnight. We seem destined to go down to destruction even though we may witness a horrific bloodbath - a new civil war - far worse than the first one. It will start, and is indeed starting, as a political war, but will end as a racial and ethnic war like the one that devastated Yugoslavia, but on a much larger scale. Many will think that such a war will set the country aright in the end, but I'm afraid the civil war will be the final death throes of this country. Within a decade, the country that was the United States will no longer exist.

Debbe Kennedy, Global Dialogue Center

Hi James,
First, nice to see you again. You left a lasting impression. I remember all your posts on our 24seven board about John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Many of those people have stayed connected at the Global Dialogue Center --- contributing in many new and different ways to help save our nation and the world --- giving the best they have to do good for all people.

Sadly, your writing seems so very true and beautifully expressed. These past three years have certainly been an eye-opener. The levels of greed and corruption have been hard to watch and the reality seems to be setting in with more and more people, don't you think? Yet, we sit here paralyzed, helpless to hold any of our leaders accountable. They do what they want because then can.

There is still a ray of hope, don't you think? I talked with John Slobada from the Iraq Body Count Project in the UK a year or so ago --- I remember him envisioning a tipping point that we might reach just in time to save ourselves. I know in my lifetime, I've not seen anything like this --- perhaps, it happened but I wasn't awake enough to notice.

I agree the realities are a call-to-action for personal responsibility. I am trying in my own way to live by my convictions doing what I know how to do --- Perkins' inspired me about this, noting that we all have different skills and spans of influence. Obviously one of your great contributions is being able to offer perspective for others to think about with your clear writing.


James M. Buels

Hello, Debbe!

Yes, there is still a ray of hope, but it seems to be fading fast. I feel more hopeful today, though, than I have been in some time. I discovered a website called FOAVC (Friends of an Article V Convention). They have organized to promote a national convention under Article V of the Constitution to restore our civil liberties and create amendments to the Contitution that will change the course of the nation. Not a moment too soon! As I wrote on one of their forums tonight, I am absolutely certain now that the American fascists who back this president will stop at nothing to maintain themselves in power, even if they have to destroy our institutions, government, economy and people to do it!

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