I chose an icon marked with an L. In this case the L in this case if for LEADERSHIP. We somehow have a great lack of it at the moment and tragedy-by-tragedy we continue to see this truth unfolding before our eyes.
I had the good fortune to work for IBM in my first career. It was a wonderful value-based organization with the highest standards for its leaders. This instilled in me a consciousness that has carried me a long way and stayed solidly part of my belief system for leaders at all levels. One of the key lessons I learned in my early leadership training as an IBM Manager was that our key role was not manage problems, but to avoid them. We were charged with the stewardship for our span of influence. This not only meant managing day-to-day issues, but it also meant holding the responsibility and accountability for all of our company assets under our command. These values meant something then. Many times, I witnessed, upclose or from a distance, that if managers violated the company's trust or failed to effectively manage our company assets, they were YANKED out of their jobs---discreetly, respectfully, but they were not left to do more damage or to destroy the integrity of leadership we all grew up believing to be the standard of any leader. As a young leader looking on this left a lasting impression on me. What examples do our leaders provide for our children today?
This week, we have again watched another example of our country's failed policies in action with the tragedy in Minnesota. But our leaders accept no responsibility for the unsatisfactory performance this tragedy demonstrates. There is no fingerpointing. They hold the funds. They aren't the least bit embarrassed to visit for photo ops. I saw Bush sending Laura today to open the way for him --- probably a trial balloon to see how he is received tomorrow when he arrives for his photo-op. It is hard to believe they have the gall to show up in the face of the facts that have been streaming on the news the past few days ---- 77 of our key bridges in the U.S. are rated a FOUR on a scale of 9 (or 10); taxpayer dollars have been diverted to athletic stadiums, bridges to nowhere, as well as billions and billions to Iraq. Meanwhile, a great source of national prestige and national security is left at great risk with shoddy work, not enough funding and leaders with a mentality that is so full of self-interest that they cannot properly perform the duties for which they are being paid: To be the stewards of our country's assets and to keep its citizens safe.
Leaders in our government aren't held accountable for anything. Few of us vote and frankly, waiting to deal with our issues in elections is unacceptable, especially when you consider that the elections we are to believe in have already proved to be faulty at best, and fixed at worst. I am certain that the founding fathers never thought about us electing and paying a corrupt system of officials, especially ones that have shown such contempt for the values that make up the foundation of our country and that we once proudly, if not perfectly, espoused to the world.
AGAIN I HAVE TO ASK --- What has happened to us?
How many more tragedies will we watch before we do something? How many more times will we elect the very leaders that are responsible for this mismanagement. Today, I heard Lou Dobbs and others punching hard with their words about Obama's lack of foreign policy and leadership experience. Look around folks. You will get a good look at what "EXPERIENCE" has created. I would take integrity over experience any day. Another important lesson I learned at IBM is that the key to a great leader is learning how to develop an idea, plan it out, execute second to none and achieve superior results. I believe that is what we need in a president and Obama is showing great promise in my book. I have to admit that at least Obama represents NEW THINKING and a NEW APPROACH and appears to have a set of values that have not been shaken. As Einstein said:
"You can't solve problems with the same thinking you use to create them."
We are run by leaders that are stuck in the money-filled groove of a broken record of mismanagement. We have allowed it by our complacency, indifference and lack of attention ---- or if you are like me, I'm lost in knowing what to do to stop it in a kind of citizens paralysis. With just this failing of the bridge in Minnesota this week, our Congress and Administration should be YANKED out of their jobs and replaced with leaders who are willing to accept the responsibility and accountability for the stewardship of our country and its people. It is obvious that Washington is not doing it. How many more tragedies do we need to see before we recognize we are entrusting our lives, our children lives and our country's tattered reputation and its existence to incompetents. Even those we see as the best in Washington, bear responsibility for mismanagement of our nation's assets and for crimes of negligence and abuse, don't you think?
I am deeply saddened for the families who have lost this loved ones in Minnesota and also deeply sadden for others who lost loved in Katrina and the Iraq War and other sorrows here in the U. S. and around the world that our lack of leadership at all levels caused.
MAY WE FIND A WAY TO RISE UP AS A COMMUNITY and be the generation that STOPS the falling bridges and other sorrows here in the U.S.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center