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John Renesch


Thanks for this post. Yesterday I attended Fellowship Church in San Francisco, the first interracial, interfaith church in the U.S. A member of the congregation who is an actor, Felix Justice, did a reading of one of MLK's speeches as part of the service. It was a powerful re-presencing of MLK and the vision he held for our nation. I found it particularly poignant that this was occuring in the shadow of the new White House plan for Iraq, Iran and Siria, as revealed earlier in the week.

Instead of adding to the public outcry and criticism already underway, I wish to ask where the American people have gone. The administration isn't going to change; this is clear. So why are "we the people" so resigned that we sit by while this plan is anacted? Why is the electorate so passive in this hour of darkness? What propmts us to be content with hurling a few opinions or pointing a few fingers instead of taking back our country and demanding a complete overhaul of our present foreigh policy?

King taught us that peace does not come from violence of any means yet we continue to walk heavily on the rest of the world with arrogance and hubris, trashing the principles we claim to uphold. We have essentially started another war with Iran, if not officially declared we have nonetheles invaded them.

King is dead but his vision can be rekindled if we have the collective will to get into action. But we have to get off our butts...not later but NOW!

Jan Coleman

Dear Debbe,

Once again you have expressed what so many of us are feeling at the depths of our souls--and done so with such heart and such clarity.

What more is there to say--what more is there to do--but to stay immersed in Dr. King's words--so powerful, so meaningful, so timeless. And then for each of us to step out and speak out BOLDLY in the face of the decisions being made by our administration--and stand for the dream of peace and the oneness of us all--to stand for the dream Martin Luther King expressed for all of us.

Debbe Kennedy

Dear Jan,
Thank you adding your thoughts. Dr. King seemed to be very present this week and your comments reflect how powerful and meaningful his wisdom is at this time in history. May we all honor the dream he left for us to fulfill by our actions.


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