If I were President of the United States, one of my priorities would be re-evaluate our policies, laws and practices for removing presidential incompetence in a timely manner. Our Founding Fathers obviously couldn't have imagined that we would have allowed our country to be disgraced by poor performance, greed, and disregard for the Constitution and the people of the United States in the way we have all experienced. In a company or corporation, the Bush Administration would have long ago been fired.
Today, I read an Editor's Letter in Vanity Fair by Graydon Carter. He summed up the issues at hand this way:
GRAYDON CARTER - Editor's Letter, Vanity Fair
"It can fairly y be said that politics brings out the worst in people. And at times simply the world people. ...In less than a year, the Bush administration will strut out of office, leaving the country in roughly the same condition a toddler leaves a diaper. The report card on this White House will be a series of F's.
- An optional war that has cost the country dearly
in lives and resources? --- F - Our reputation, military, and economy in tatters? --- F
- Wall Street an unregulated disaster? --- F
- Banks in crisis and airlines in bankruptcy? --- F
- A national debt that is through the roof? --- F
- Oil at more than $113 a barrel? --- F
- A tax system that favors the rich over the poor?
- A generation of environmental protections shot? --- F
- Five-year record low in consumer confidence and new lows in "Are we headed in the right direction? polls? --- F
- The loss of a great American city? --- F"
I would have to add to the list an --- F for the heartbreak of watching the disgrace of the Office of the Presidency in ways one could not foresee. The whole thing makes me sad. I would love to blame it solely on BUSH. This would be easy, but each of us seems to bear the responsibility in part for standing by paralyzed, helpless to change anything with a system unprepared for this kind of leadership failure.
If I were President, it would be a TOP priority to make sure this never happened again.
What would you do to change our policies, laws and practices?
Debbe Kennedy
author and founder, President and CEO
Global Dialogue Center and Leadership Solutions Companies
New Book! Putting Our Differences to Work (June 2008)
Learn more: www.puttingourdifferencestowork.com
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