I think I am writing out of sense of helplessness as a citizen of the United States. It is a long way until November, but I don't think there has been an election that was more critical and the process more scary. We are so beyond party politics. There is much at stake and the United States must get itself heading in a new direction with engaged citizens and a leader with a vision and imagination to mobilize our people to solve our pressing problems.
This morning's headline proclaims "McCain takes the lead over Obama: poll".
Do you ever wonder who they poll? Have you ever been called? What is most disturbing is also reading the article to discover what has resulted in this lead. It is not McCain's leadership or policies. "There is no doubt the campaign to discredit Obama is paying off for McCain right now," pollster John Zogby said. "This is a significant ebb for Obama."
Wow! What is wrong with the American people? Are we so addicted to negative spin and unethical people and campaign tactics that we are willing to be snookered again and sacrifice our future and the stability of the world for more of the last eight years? Are we so risk averse and change resistant that we can't trust ourselves enough to follow a leader with a greater vision?
I used to think that McCain was truly an American Hero, but a hero that lies, tells-half truths, surrounds himself with the likes of "Karl Rove handlers" and works to dismantle his opponent one-lie-and-character assassination-at-a-time is not the American Hero we need for the leader of the free world and our country. He has already broken his promise to run a clean campaign with weeks of negative, proved untruthful propaganda and innuendo, as well as spewing out appeasing "buzz words," empty promises by the barrel full, and distortions of his own record and accomplishments. So what is a vote McCain mean?
With all due respect to his military service, I can't understand why no one has the courage to call him on his missteps and lying and pandering.
There is a two fundamental questions that I would like to ask Senator McCain:
1. LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS: If you are so experienced and influential in getting things done as you say you've been and are --- and handling our economy and "winning the war" as you claim, then why is our country in such a mess? Where have you been? What results can you point to that demonstrates NOT YOUR EFFORTS, but your effectiveness as a leader in the last eight years?
2. CHARACTER and INTEGRITY: If you are so honorable and hold character and integrity as core values, why has your ambition to be president allowed you to slip into the slime of Karl Rove politics toward Obama? Why are you lying and distorting with such a constant drumbeat? With you holding the responsibility of an elder, it is shameful to watch you work to tear down the next generation of leadership we so badly need at this time in history.
My mother taught me to beware of people who proclaim their honesty and integrity too loudly. "What you do speaks so loud, I cannot hear what you say." --- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'm ready for a leader with character and change we can believe in and engage in.
How about you? (my private poll question for you)
Debbe Kennedy
author and founder, President and CEO
Global Dialogue Center and Leadership Solutions Companies
New Book! Putting Our Differences to Work (June 2008)
Learn more: www.puttingourdifferencestowork.com
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