I'm sad as I watch the tearing down vs. the lifting up in the political process. I'm know much of it is part of what we have allowed to be "customary" in our politics, but it doesn't make it right. I can't believe what we have watched the last few days as Sarah Palin has stood at the podium at McCain's campaign rallies. The hate-filled words she says against Senator Obama, with a syrupy smile, do not cover-up the racial overtones and inferences --- and the visible hostility and harrassment it is creating. As a governor of a state in the United States or any other goverment official, it must be a violation of their oath of office. At the very minimum, it is dangerous and it is not becoming to any leader to set such an example for others. How shameful for all the young people that are watching. It lacks basic decency, respect, and humanity. It is heart-breaking to see the "pitbull" in sheep's clothing" from a woman, especially when so many worked so hard to make the possibility happen.
It is a time for leadership. Being the change you want to see in the world asks more of us. It means stepping out of our comfort...for some, stepping out of indifference...for others, stepping out of silence. There is no time for mocking each other or scorning one another. This time requires not just hovering to take in...but also doing what you can to bring your own personal Light to a troubled world. It means exericising your right to vote to a whole new direction. It means standing up and moving out together.
This morning I again came across a poem of Rumi's that I had humbly adapted from another translation long ago. It is a call to action for us all.
Come out from under your fear, you so
so fond of hiding and running away.
Don't cover your face.
The world is reeling,
Its heart so sick,
And you are one who can serve
as an influence for good.
Don't hide the candle of your clarity.
Be with people.
Lead the way.
Be a teacher of souls by example.
Put your mark on this time in history. The world needs you! Do your part.
Debbe Kennedy
founder, Global Dialogue Center
author, Putting Our Differences to Work:
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership, and High Performance
Learn more... www.puttingourdifferencestowork.com
Blog... www.globaldialoguecenter.blogs.com/differences