There is a new sense of OPTIMISM that seems to be emerging and it is so WELCOMED. I am so pleased watching President Obama bring a fresh perspective and a powerful action-directed cadence to his plans and actions. The job he holds is daunting. The brilliance he brings to it makes me want to contribute more---to be part of change.
However, on some days, it's hard to overlook that all the things that we've neglected for a long time have not gone away --- even when we stopped thinking about them. Even when we want to move forward. So much is left to fix and make right for us and for all who look to us for leadership.
The other night, I watched a remarkable documentary, Torturing Democracy. It was shown in part on PBS. Its story is sobbering and highly recommended viewing. I watched in disbelief. History collects all the small details we never caught in all those biased sound-bytes we barely listened to amidst our busy lives. I remembered the same sinking feeling four years ago as I watched an unjust war unfolding in ways one could not imagine. Helpless. Trying to make sense of it all. Unless things change; they stay the same.
How did the world end up in such a mess?
A little knowledge is so painful.
It makes every news report suspect.
It makes government policies seem absurd.
It turns all that I've known into a farce.
It shines a spotlight on the little lying, the little cheating
culture we've learned to helpless accept.
It picks and pokes at you to make a difference.
Don't just sit there, do something!
In quiet desperation of what to do,
I come here to think.
Be kind.
Love all.
Stand up.
Take action.
Do what next?
The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind.
---Maya Angelou
I suppose it is in TRUTH where the Light will come to guide us --- to make things RIGHT.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Author, Putting Our Differences to Work