We have it in our power to begin the world all over again. A situation similar to the present hath not appeared since the days of Noah until now. The birthday of a new world is at hand.
Thomas Paine 1775
I have been putting a lot of thought recently into what a unique and special time that we are all living in. Technology has never been faster and more efficient, medicine and healing both hold endless possibilities. Today we have available to us the knowledge and wisdom of the earth and what she needs to continue her unconditional and unending support of our lives. We also have immediate knowledge and access to history and to the wisdom of ancient seers and teachers. Never before have we been able to go to a corner bookstore or to a library to have direct access to as much powerful and insightful information as we now do. I also believe that we have been given this access and wisdom so that we may build on what has come before us and so that we may evolve beyond the evolutionary levels that we have reached in the past.
I believe that we sit at a new set of crossroads; at a new place in time on this planet. I guess that's why Thomas Paine's quote really struck home for me. Mr. Paine wrote the quote one year before the signing of the declaration of independence- the document that outlined the founding values and principles of this nation. At that time he believed that people had the power to start over again-to start anew. I feel that we are in a similar place.
What could be better?
What could be different?
How can we treat each other with dignity and respect?
What would a mutually caring world of equity, abundance and care for all look like?
What one step are you willing to now make in your own life to contribute to ...beginning the world all over again..."?
Maureen Simon