If we could all realize that now is the time to be the best that we can be, if we could all realize that now is the time to dream our fullest dreams and that from these dreams all will be created - the world would be an amazing place. This level of manifestation is available to us everyday - if we could all believe that we are worthy now to thrive, innovate, create and prosper - success, innovation and creativity would abound. What will take for us to awaken to the ease and simplicity that our lives actually hold? What will it take for us to move from drama and fear to a place of trust and ease?
I've always known the power of choice, the essential role of creation and how both of these lead to unending field of possibilities. However more and more these days, I am beginning to see the gifts of trust and ease come alive in my mind and in my life. Many people are writing about quantum physics and alignment, the common example given is that when water rises, all surrounding water rises to meet it. I have been noticing in my own life that when I make clear choices, involve the right people and have a good feeling about something I am doing, things line up.
It is becoming very clear to me that when I look for alignment and synchronicity in my day I tend to notice alignment and synchronicity. A few questions I have been asking myself that have been helpful when making choices, creating, and living to my fullest potential have been:
Does the situation I'm in right now create a positive feeling or a negative drain? Why?
Are there any consistent signs or themes that are running through my life right now, that I need to pay attention to? What are they?
What choices can I make today that will unblock energy that is stuck or bring me to greater alignment in my day? What positive changes would be the result of those choices in my life?
Maureen Simon
I think woman still have a long way to go as leaders, because congress only represents a certaion percentage of woman. And with this administration, woman's rights are being looked on as a detrement. What is going to happen. Of course many will say, it's better than it was, but i have read much about this, and it's scary. Take care!
Posted by: LINDA SAFLEY | October 10, 2005 at 12:25 PM