“If you have unfulfilled dreams, and visions of greater prosperity and success tucked in a corner of your mind, don’t keep them there any longer. Dare to bring them out and dust them off. Dare to begin thinking of the possibilities.” Catherine Ponder
So often we feel distant and far away from our dreams. The true art of living includes inviting your dreams and visions in to your day to day life. There is no need for separation. There is no need for these visions to feel far away. How do we dust them off and begin to dare to think of what might be possible. How do we move from the smallness of our every day thinking to the grandeur of the realm of all possibility? I have a few things to share that I have personally been working on for the past couple of months:
- Identify your greatest dreams and visions. Get to know them. Make them your friends. Be, act and live as though they are already a part of your life.
- Dare to bring them out in your day to day world. If buying a beautiful home is a dream of yours, surround yourself with beautiful homes (pictures, conversations, etc.). If creating an amazing partnership in your life is a priority in your life, be very clear about the characteristics you’d like that person to hold.
Observe any small or limited thinking in your day. These are old habits to break out of. Replace them, one by one, as they come up with exciting, expanded, exhilarating new thinking.
As we begin to look closely at our dreams and to make them a part of our every day reality, they will no longer be dreams but they will become our reality.