For quite a while now, the relationship between the body and mind has been a conversation echoed across our cultures. Early psychology paved the way for a deeper understanding of how the mind is informed by our environment and how it dictates the way we see the world.
Rene Descartes, a great 17th century mathematician and philosopher, opened our thinking in the west to what is now known as mind-body dualism. Many of the ancient traditions and mystical beliefs have said all along that the body and the mind are intimately linked and interconnected. Today psychologists and neurologists finally agree.
What does this mean on a day to day basis regarding the way that we live? If we can believe that our mind can heal our body, what thoughts would we have to think in order for us to live a healthy life? Recently, I’ve been experimenting with making significant changes in my life. Some of these changes have required me to look deeper, to take deeper risks and to stretch from a place of comfort to jumping off a large cliff. I have begun to notice the thoughts that I hold in my mind on a daily basis and I have begun to feel a distinct relationship between these thoughts and how my body physically feels.
In the culture in which we live, it is very easy to medicate, numb and disappear from our thoughts and feelings. This road allows us to disconnect from our mind and hence disconnect from the natural healing that is available through rich, nourishing thoughts. What specific thought could send powerful healing to your body at this moment? What comfort do you need? Do you need to change something that would allow for your body to experience health and well being?
Take a moment and notice during the course of the day, what signs your body is sending you, how it feels and what it may be telling you. You may be surprised if you listen carefully, to the deep intelligence our body holds. Take time to evaluate your thoughts. Be sure that the thoughts you are thinking will yield the outcome that you want your life to hold and will give your body the health and well being that it needs.
Maureen Simon