Traditionally, women have been spectators to life’s drama; men have done the risking and women have cheered them on from the sidelines. Women have been conditioned to play it safe, and our success has been measured by the kind of man we were able “to catch” and how well we were taken care of.”
“Risk-Taking For Women”, Betsy Morscher & Barbara Schindler Jones
I have been thinking this issue through a great deal this past week and have come to realize that this is where the balance that the world needs to strike lies. How can women truly be a part of the world – clear voice, clear message, clear contribution – as they move from the old model to one that suits the needs of the world today? Women have the ability to support their partners to see the whole, to provide care, empathy and understanding and to build powerful inclusive relationships. We cannot lose these gifts.
The question I have been asking myself is “How can we fully show up in the world, take risks, offer our feminine gifts and attributes and not lose our self?” I’m clear that women must contribute to the world at this time. We are being asked to strike a balance that has never been successfully achieved in the history of our lifetimes.
Maureen Simon