I have recently been thinking about life and how our individual zest for life differs. When we live life to its fullest form, we live it with vitality, energy, innovation and creativity. One of my favorite Eastern Indian poets, Tagore, once said in this frequently quoted statement, ”The same stream of life that runs through the world runs through my veins, night and day, and dances in rhythmic measure. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in to the numberless blades of grass and breaks in to tumultuous waves of flower.” This is the same life force that runs through all of us each day of our lives in varying degrees.
I guess it’s the “varying degrees” part that makes me think. Why can one individual feel that life force fully, create endlessly and live with a dynamic life force, while another cannot feel even a minor pulse? I am convinced that the choices we make in our lives have a tremendous amount to do with the energy available to us.
What thoughts are you filling your head with? What food are you filling your body with? What company are you keeping? What renewal are you receiving? What personal expression or gift of yours are we all receiving in the world?
For me, it is important to be very aware of these choices.
Maureen Simon