“Take a minute. Look at your goals. Look at your performance. See if your behavior matches your goals.”
Kenneth Blanchard, PhD..
The One Minute Manager
As we enter this time of renewal , a time of great possibilities...we can reflect on the quality of our life. We can take a minute to evaluate consciously : how we have been living----where is there room for greater use of my gifted potential. We can ask--what do I consciously want to create in my life. Life hold so many possibilities.
If we carry lofty ideas of what we want to accomplish in our life but our day by day actions come nowhere near these aspirations, we will live in a dream world. Each of us has a unique offering that we can make in this world. Discover yours.
- Where do your natural strengths and abilities lie?
- What do you enjoy doing, what do you do well?
- Where does your greatest sense of contribution and meaning lie in your life?
When we take the time to reach below the surface of our day to day life we will begin to see patterns and to discover answers that will lead us to a far richer , more meaningful life. Never let fear or laziness hold you back from becoming more self aware. Figuratively ...move off of the "couch of life"... Fully explore the possibilities that your life holds. I have a strong feeling that you will be pleasantly surprised!
Maureen Simon